
1.欢迎用英语怎么写欢迎,英语是:welcome 。
welcome 英[?welk?m] 美[?w?lk?m]
vt. 欢迎; 乐于接受;
【随时用英语怎么写】adj. 受欢迎的; 令人愉悦的; 表示感谢的;
n. 欢迎,迎接;
[例句]Several people came by to welcome me
有几个人过来迎接我 。
She welcomed this move but said that overall the changes didn't go far enough
她欣然接受了这一举措,但是说总体上改变还不彻底 。
This was certainly a welcome change of fortune
这确实是命运中一个令人欣喜的转变 。
We welcome you to join us on a special tour which explores this unique Australianattraction
我们欢迎你加入探索这处独特的澳大利亚景观的特别之旅 。
New members are always welcome
随时欢迎新成员加入 。
2.不用谢,用英语怎么写You are welcome. 最简单的不用谢 。
Anytime. 随时为您效劳
Don't mention it. 别见外
My pleasure. 我的荣幸
No worries./Don't worry./No problem. 没问题
No sweat. 小意思
Not at all. 不用谢
Cheers. 谢谢(只有英国会这样用,英国人会用Cheers回复对方说的Thank you)

