
1.论文中对英文关键词的大小写有何要求【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese
(英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体 , 加粗 , 两个单词的首字母要大写 , 置于粗体方括号【】内 , 顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格 , 不用任何其他标点符号 , 采用五号“Times New Roman”字体 , 不加粗 , 除了专有名词外 , 其他单词的首字母不大写 , 各单词之间用分号“;”隔开 , 分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距 。)
2.论文里中、英文摘要及关键词是什么意思 怎么写摘 要 众所周知 , 语言与文化紧密联系 , 而作为汉语语言中一种而有的语言形式 , 歇后语是中国语言和文化中不可或缺的一部分 。
歇后语在我国广大劳动人民中广为流传 , 是人们长期生活实践中产生的用来表达其思想和情感的一种俗语 。歇后语以其幽默诙谐的表达而广受喜爱 。
歇后语也是中国文化的缩影 , 它给我们展示了中国数千年的历史 , 丰富了我们对我国政治 , 宗教 , 经济以及人们的生活 , 心理 , 世界观 , 人生观等方面的知识 。现今 , 随着我们不断迈向全球化 , 各国之间的文化交流变的日渐频繁 , 汉语及中国文化也越来越受到世界各地的人们的喜爱 。
因此 , 通过恰当的翻译使外国人熟悉歇后语这种中国所特有的习语也变得十分重要 。然而 , 就歇后语的翻译而言 , 我国国内的这方面的研究虽然很多 , 但就歇后语的翻译方法却没有取得一致地认同 。
在此基础上 , 鉴于语言与文化的紧密关系 , 本人对歇后语的文化内涵进行了全面而系统地分析 , 进而提出了相应的翻译方法 , 力求在做到恰当翻译的同时 , 也能使外国读者易于理解 。关键词: 歇后语;文化内涵;翻译;翻译方法 Abstract It is generally recognized that language and culture are closely associated. As a unique kind of Chinese language, the Chinese enigmatic folk simile is an indispensable part of Chinese language and culture. It is a language that was widely spoken by laboring and working Chinese people and used to express their thoughts and sentiments during the long-time practice in their lives. It is well-known for its live and funny expression. Besides, as a miniature of Chinese culture, Chinese enigmatic folk simile displays us the thousands of years' history of China, enabling us to gain some knowledge and realities of our country's politics, religion, economy as well as people's psychology, daily life and outlooks on values and the world. Nowadays, as we are moving towards globalization, culture exchanges among different nations are much more frequent and the Chinese language and culture also become more and more popular with foreigners all over the world. Therefore, how to make the Chinese enigmatic folk simile become familiar with foreigners appears very important. Appropriate translation is no doubt a good way to solve this problem. However, the translation studies of Chinese enigmatic folk simile in our country, adequate as they may be, do not achieve a common agreement on the translation methods of Chinese enigmatic folk simile. In view of the close relationship of language and culture, this thesis attempts to propose some translation methods of the Chinese enigmatic folk similes after a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the cultural connotation of the Chinese folk similes so as to make it not only appropriate in translation but also easily understandable to foreigners. 。