conj. because,
【那是因为的英语怎么写】prep. owing to, on
account of
conj. since,
that 只是因为 。simply because。不仅仅是因为 。not merely because。就因为他们钱挣得比我们多,他们就认为高人一等 。Just because they make more money than we do, they think they're so superior.因为天气恶劣,飞行延期了 。The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.
2.因为的英语怎么写1、“因为”的英语是:because,音标:[b?'k?z],按音标读;2、“所以”的英语是:So,音标:[s??],按音标读 。
1、because双语例句:The boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed.这个男孩因花太长时间穿衣服总是迟到 。I can't do it now because I am busy.因为我正忙着,现在不能做此事 。
I do that because I like that.我那样做是因为我愿意那样做 。2、So双语例句:I felt I was not well, so I didn't go to the party.我感到有点不舒服,所以我没去参加聚会 。
She enjoys music, and so do I.她喜欢音乐,我也喜欢音乐 。I said I would come, and so I will.我说过我要来的,而且我一定会来的 。
3.英语翻译 语言翻译对于人家这么重要的信,楼上那位居然用翻译机来糊弄,无语 。
帮人也是帮自己,我正好在练英文打字,于是顺带就帮你翻译一下吧~~ ^_^
Dear (人名)
I'm feeling extremely ashamed for not doing the things I promised well. I feel so sorry to let you down. Communicating with you in English has always been my dream, and I truly have a lot of things to tell you. With English I can know about your physical condition, your view on my job and you can get to know my feelings. When I watched your eyes today, I was feeling really ashamed, which had never occurred before. I was dying to tell you that I'm working very hard for my dream. I hope you can give me another chance, and you have my word that absolutely I will master English, whatever it takes! Next time you and I meet together I'll be able to talk to you in English, about things happened around me. I'll be able to report to you about my jobs and progress.
Here is my last request. Would you please be my English teacher? If you don't mind, I would like to make a phone call with you when you are convenient, which may occupy couple minutes of yours.
I sincerely wish you are healthy. Your physical health has always been my concern. Hope you always live a life with happiness and healthiness.
With love.(其实我觉得友谊的话应该改成with friendship)
Yours James

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