英语作业反思怎么写( 五 )

我由于在学习的时候没有好好听讲,造成了考试不及格,。我在学习的时候在关心别的没有好好听讲,其结果损害了多方利益,在学校造成极坏的影响 。
这种行为,即使是并没有给别人带来伤害,仍然是不对的,此举本身就是违背了做学生的原则 。我只是顾着自己的玩乐,和一时的想法,完全不理会老师的感受 。
这也是不对的,人是社会的人,大家不应该只是想着自己,我这么做,害的是我自己,我这样做,看似在现在玩的开心,实际上是在害自己 。所以,当老师对我进行批评教育的时候,也是为了让我深刻的认识到这点 。
其次,考试不及格也是一种对老师的工作不尊敬的表现 。犯了这样的错误,对于家长对我的期望也是一种很大的打击,家长辛苦的赚钱,让我们孩子可以生活的好一点,让我们可以全身心的投入到学习当中,可是,我却违背了家长的心意,我犯了这样的错误,简直是对于家长心血的否定,我对此也感到很惭愧,家长的劳累是我们所不知道的,每天为了生存而忙碌,为了家庭而承受着巨大的压力,这一切的一切都是我们所不能够了解的,我们唯一可以做的就是做他们的乖孩子,听从家长的话,家长是我们最亲的人,也是我们在现在这个社会上最可以信任的人,所以我们就要尽量的避免家长生气,不给他们带来不必要的烦恼 。
而我们作为他们最亲的人也不能够惹他们生气,这个都是相互的,当我们伤害到他们的心时,也是对于自己心的伤害,因为我们是最亲的人 。没有任何人可以取代 。
所以我们要好好学习来报答他们 。以后要课内重视听讲,课后及时复习 。
适当多做题,养成良好的解题习惯 。我以后会努力学习,在以后的日子里,取得优异的成绩,不让老师,家长失望。
最后,麻烦老师费时来检阅本人所做之检讨,交了这份检讨,我正处在老师对我的考验之中,……我现在彻底理解老师教育我们的苦口婆心……只要我们都有很好的约束能力、自主学习能力,在没有任何借口,任何理由可以为讲话开脱!我们只有认认真真思考人生有那么多事要做,那么多的担子要挑,就没有理由考试不考好了.为了老师辛苦地花了平常所没有的,大量时间和大量耐性给我的教导,为了不再让老师和我丧失宝贵的时间,我依循老师写了这份检讨,检讨自己的错误,由于本人第一次写检讨且加脑袋愚钝,虽用整个午休时间和不让精神休憩外加眼酸……怀着沉重复杂的心情写这篇检讨,但还是写得不好,只怿自己才蔬学浅,不能更好的运用我们深厚的汉语言文化,敬请老师谅解 。为了感谢老师的淳淳教导,我在此保证如果有一次重来的机会放在我面前,我尽我之所能克制自己,绝不让老师失望 。
请老师谅解我这一次的错误吧!您平常也就经常告诫我们要细心,可我就是改不了粗心大意的毛病,总是会时不时的错 。不过,我不应该给我自己找理由,放心,老师,我会努力改正的 。
另外,在平时,我上课不认真听讲 。在这以后,我一定会痛改前非的 。
以后,一旦有什么不懂的问题或错误的问题我都会记录下来的 。并且,如果有什么弄不懂的问题,我会问您的 。
同时,我要经常在好好学习去了解一些学习英语的方法 。并且我不能偏科,一 。
9.英语检讨怎么写Distinguished teachers : Today, I was with 120,000 hours of the guilty as well as 120,000 hours you wrote something to this Jiantaoshu to you to express my deep horror absenteeism such bad behaviour can no longer absenteeism and death determination. I just go back in the class, you already gave, repeatedly stressed that the whole class, not late, not absenteeism. At that time, the teacher has to teach words are still ringing in our ears, serious expressions Jew in the eyes, I am deeply shocked and have profoundly realized the importance of the matter, then I have repeatedly told this as their top-priority task should not let our teachers a good intention. However, as Gorky said --- when you see something is very important, hardships and failures to follow. For example, one morning drill, I 5:50 point along the wash is completed, wearing neat, watching time is more, I even head to the point Masi, when I came to the playground, they found that a person did not, when I get a look around to see if there is no one time -- I Sing, originally just the lens are all dream of a watch list Maya is 6:30, and that is for us to catch up with the name you look after with great solicitude, and I was unable to catch up with you care to listen to the teachings deeply sorry, deeply sorry! This matter can only blame myself to get up exaggerate, even some night things morning dream! Alas, they did helpless. Another time, I was high interest bathing, preparing to go to a school Xiwanzao, Xiwanzao Who would have thought when I came to the house in front of the room and discovered that a person did not, I also forging key in the door may not be locked induction dress, the body only a Kucha, even when there is no opportunity to call for help! Now is the wilderness together with the teachers to give us carefully prepared vivid lesson, a teacher work heart out to us missed knowledge ever produced. She shouted along! This small key in my study on bitter mix my trip! But in the final analysis, or because my careless of herself as a result of inadequate understanding of the home time. Recalled that, at present, I should disregard behaviour, ran out to the communal call, individuals should go! However, she also say, she also say! Those such as memory and other school timetable, clocks stopped away bacteria Bad things I do not want to say that I know that these reasons are not set up to, because this all problems can only be attributed to me, also failed to meet with the students to a modern understanding level. Failure to make returns, hard-working teachers, I felt more and more clearly I am a sinner! ! ! For me absenteeism things, the serious consequences as follows : 1, for fear that my teacher safety. I can not be present when the time arise, we can not let the concern of every student in a teacher worried. Such fears are likely to give teachers full day of work distraction, resulting in more serious consequences. 2, students in the middle created an adverse impact. As a person I absenteeism, the following may cause other students, the impact discipline classes, but also to other students parents are not responsible for. 3, the impact of improvements in the level of personal integrated to the instincts of their own failure to improve conditions improved, contrary to the wishes of parents, try unfilial. Now, big mistake established, I deeply regret cried. Depth review that I thought buried in the fatal mistake following points : 1, and low awareness of important issues to be grossly inadequate. Even with awareness, but also failed to take action to really practice. 2, the fundamental ideological consciousness is not high because I lack respect for others. If I have a deeper respect for the teacher, I will get up half an hour early, nor do they in their native 5:50 to prepare for things about, it will be earlier found only a dream, a dream that will not late, the error will not occur. 3, peacetime life style purity. If not because of lazy, careless, and the low level of memory, I can be so hard to produce teaching secretary of the school timetable to forget? 4, and joined in the exchange enough to do a real sense of solidarity students think, if I joined the exchange and sufficient, how can they not know when to leave the house? If they really make me and unity, they do not know how can I take a bath? If I go further and they house a school absenteeism things are possible? Distinguished teachers : Today, I was with 120,000 hours of the guilty as well as 120,000 hours you wrote something to this Jiantaoshu to you to express my deep horror absenteeism such bad behaviour can no longer absenteeism and death determination. I just go back in the class, you already gave,。