
1.用英文翻译一篇作文In the zoo near me, have a little like Larry. It comes from Africa, seven years old, like to eat fruit and grass. Larry is friendly to people. He likes to play water. He also likes and visitors are playing. He is tall and strong, and a long nose, it tooth is also very long. Its big ears like two fans. I like it very much 。
2.用英语怎么造一个关于大象的故事ong long ago,there was a little elephant in the forest.One day, the elephant saw a beautiful butterfly flying over its head.The little elephant laughed happily and jump high, when the little elephant woke up,it found itself in its bed. It was just a dream, the little elephant went into sleep.The next day. As time went by,the darkness covered the ground soon. It was lost and It began to fell hungry and scared so its tears was full of its eyes 。
突然 , 小象被路上的石头绊了一跤.很久很久以前 , 森林里住着一只小象 。有一天 , 这只小象看见一只漂亮的蝴蝶从头顶飞过. This elephant was afraid to miss the butterfly 。
当它站起来的时候 , 发现自己来到了一个陌生的地方. It became quite happy and wanted to catch the butterfly.The butterfly was flying up and down,so it keep its eyes watching the butterfly.Suddenly , 偏偏这时小象又害怕又饿 , 小象慢慢地睡着了 。第二天 , 当小象醒来时发现自己躺在床上 , the elephant fell down to the ground because of a stone in the way.When it stood up ,it found that it had come to a strange place  , 一会儿飞得快 , 一会儿又飞得慢 。
小象为了不跟丢蝴蝶 , 双眼一直盯着蝴蝶 。它很开心想要捉住这只蝴蝶 。
蝴蝶飞上飞下 。自己迷路了 , 就忍不住哭了起来 。
时间一点点过去 , 天也暗了下来 , fast and slow 展开 。

