
1.求用英语翻译一段话the author of the poem 'But you are not' was a normal american woman, her husband went to join the vietnam war when their daughter was four, from that time on she began to depend with her daughter for living. later, her husband, the kid's father fell in the battle unfortunately. she stayed on her own alone for the rest of her life, until she was old and dead of desease. her daughter found this poem which her mother had written for father in those years, when she gathered together her mother's belongings. the title of this poem was "But you are not".
the sentences was simple and straight, but there was a strengths which was hard to speak out form the deep inside. Hope all the lovers in the world can live together until old ages.
完全是自己翻译的,就是某些词不确定去查了下金山 。。应该是没有语法错误的,望采纳
2.求英语翻译,急【相依为命英语怎么写】Inworldpolitics,,,andformeda"globalvillage"thisconcept.,,.,andchallenges. ,,technologytransfer,providingservices,interdependence,..,especiallyafter,especiallyinthe1990s,.Economicglobalization,,,,,.Butitforeachcountry,isadouble-edgedsword,.,,.,. 。

