
1.假定你是某英文杂志“编读往来”栏目的编辑,下面是一位读者的来Dear Annie,
Thank you for your letter. I understand how you feel and I hope I have some good advice for you.
In my view, each choice has its advantages and disadvantages. If you choose to stay, you can continue to enjoy good time with your friends, but you will lose the opportunity to meet more new friends, and you may be separated from your parents. If you choose to leave, you have to adapt to a new environment, but you can broaden your horizons and stay with your parents.
In a word, as an independent teenager, I believe that you can make your final decision.
本文是要写一封回信 。完成本文的写作,可分以下三步走:
一、审题 。可从体裁、内容、结构三方面进行审题,同时有必要明确统筹全篇的主要时态 。1、体裁 。写作要求是根据来信写一封回信,所以其体裁是书信,在就要求我们首先有熟悉书信的基本格式;
2、内容 。回信的特点就是根据来函内容作出必要的答复;
3、结构 。一般说来,中学英语写作多采用两段或三段式(再多了就显得繁复杂乱),后者多用于议论文等体裁 。另外,整篇文章在逻辑(不是形式)关系上,要始终注意保持时态一致 。
二、构思 。根据上面的审题,可先大致勾勒出文章中的主要句子,明确需要用到的主要词语和表达 。
三、写作 。用适当的过渡词和关联词语,将上述主要内容和句子连接起来,便成了一篇比较令人满意的回信和优秀的书面表达(见参考范文) 。

