
1.观察昆虫用英语怎么说watch insects
If you stay there a moment, and watch the insects flying in the warm summer air, and listen to the soft wind breathing through the grass, you'll understand how quietly they rest, the sleepers in that quiet earth.
如果您在那儿呆一会儿,看着在温暖夏日的空气里纷飞的昆虫,听着在草丛中喘息的柔风,您就会知道在静谧的泥土下,长眠的人在多么平静地安息 。
2.求一篇昆虫观察日记 英文的The ants like to eat?In the past I often see ants eat biscuits, bread, sugary foods, such as fruit juice, but never see they tasted sour, spicy, etc, are they really is a sweet tooth? Hold this curiosity, I use this summer holiday to do a field survey about ants eating habits.Experimental time: August 27, 2006 (Sunday) The weather: sunny A primary school grade five subjects: (by mom and dad to help complete the experiment) Experimental location: Beijing Ming tombs reservoir ErBa near the grass (see photo 1)(about 40 minutes drive from Beijing XiSanHuan to arrive) Sample: ready before we start the tested samples1, the first cut steamed bread (does not contain sugar, etc) into seven small pieces;2, on the small cut piece of steamed bread, add honey, soy sauce, water, vinegar, spicy oil, coke, orange juice, (I call them "samples");3, then each samples in transparent plastic bags.Carrying supplies:1, pens, notebooks, digital cameras, experimental samples2, garbage bags,Experiment 1:The experimental steps:Firstly, after the destination for a flat, not too high weeds and better experiment; Second, and then put seven samples respectively in the span of about 1 ~ 2 meters (see photo 2). Confirmation sample if there is a problem.Second, and then we left the experiment site about 3, in order to avoid shock ants, affect the result of the experiment.Three, midway through the experiment (about 30 minutes) after the start of the experiment, close observation of ants, prepared in the form to fill in all kinds of ants to pay the sample quantity.Four, after about an hour, fill in all kinds of ants to pay the sample quantity, and carefully observe the ants.The result:Experiments for the first time, we get the following conclusion: stained with water on the steamed bread of paying the most number of ants; The second is stained with honey and coke steamed bread; Third is stained with spicy oil steamed bread; The fourth is stained with orange juice and soy sauce steamed bread; Finally for dipped in vinegar steamed bread (see photo 3).Table 1 the results for the first time Code sample ingredient brand start time to time to finish the ranking(at) (12:00) (12:30)(about) (about) (about)1 honey crown garden 0 12 and 2 Soy sauce king 2 0 7 8 53 water robust 35 1 0 284 white vinegar, vinegar Shanghai 0 0 6 75 spicy oil lu 0 9 16 46 coke coke zero 18 March 13 Unified 0 8 July 6 7 orange juice Question:From the experimental results above you can see, colorless, odorless water most attract ants, and with a sour taste steamed bread attracted the least ants. Are the ants really is that so? 。

