1.请问"出库","入库"."出货","发货"英语怎么写出库:Out of stock 。
入库:Warehousing 。解释:be put in storage; be laid up 。
出货:Shipment 。解释:clear; deliver from godown 。
发货:delivery 。解释:consignment 。
出库的其他写法:delivery of cargo from storage 。
请于今天发货 。Please send the goods off today 。
入库的其他写法:be put in storage;be laid up 。
主要实现的是对物资的出、入库,盘点,查询等的管理 。
The purpose of this system is to control the delivery and inquiry of product 。
deliver from godown 。
send out goods;deliver goods 。
2.英语翻译一般都是收到定金后生产,余款齐后发货的啊 。
楼主确认是“所有的货物都已经生产好了 。收到你的定金后我们将立即发货 。”
收到“定金”后发货,而不是收到“余款”吗?下次建议先收一部分定金再生产啊 。The production of goods has finished already. We will arrange the delivery after receiving your deposit. The quality and packing are same as the last order, do you need we take some photos? 。
3.英文翻译:关于发货明天我将安排1000个盒子到A公司 。
I will arrange 1000 boxes and deliver to A (company A) tomorrow;另外我收到B公司的邮件说他们也急需盒子,那么我是否可以把2000个盒子发给B公司 。In addition, I have received an email from B (company B) that they also required (或可用 need)the boxes urgently. Should I therefore deliver 2000 boxes to B?由于纸盒已经都生产完成,是否可以把纸盒先发给每个供应商 。
铁盒大概要月末才能完成,我们再单独分发给每个供货商 。你认为这样是吗?Could all the boxes been delivered to each supplier since they have all finished (可用 produced 或 manufactured)? The iron boxes are going to be produced at about end of this month, we will then deliver to each supplier seperately. What do you think?这段也可以译作:Due to (或 Since) all the boxes having been produced, could we deliver them to each supplier first and deliver the iron boxes seperately when they are finished at about end of the month. What do you think?说明:1) A 公司,B 公司,用“A” 和 “B” 表示即可,因为这里是可以用真正的公司名替换的;2) 纸盒 - 可用 carton, 但不清楚你们用于装何物,考虑到下面有铁盒,可能规格应差不多,所以用了box,因为铁箱没有用carton的 。
如果你们是用于如酒箱(装半打或一打酒的),比较大容积的纸箱,可改用carton;3) 你认为这样是吗?-也可以用 “How do you think?”4) 生产完成 - 可用 produced 或 manufactured (过去分词),但如果是成品,西方习惯多表达为 “finished”,如 “finished goods/ finished products "供你参考,希望对你有用 。
