
1.乌龟名称的英文翻译其实英文名字基本上都可以直接用拉丁学名 。
金钱龟Cuora trifasciata 拉丁别名:Chinese three-striped box turtle, Three-lined Box Turtle英 文 名:Three-banded box turtle(三线闭壳龟)巴西龟Trachemys scripta elegans英 文 名:Red-eared Silder (红耳龟) 象龟Geochelone下属分类:| 辐纹陆龟 Geochelone radiata | 红腿象龟 Geochelone carbonaria | 阿根廷象龟 Geochelone chilensis | 黄腿象龟 Geochelone denticulata | 印度星龟 Geochelone elegans | 加拉帕戈斯象龟 Geochelone nigra | 亚达伯拉象龟 Geochelone gigantea | 豹斑象龟 Geochelone pardalis | 缅甸星龟 Geochelone platynota | 苏卡达象龟 Geochelone sulcata | 安哥洛卡象龟 Geochelone yuiphora (象龟是个属分类而不是一种龟)马来西亚巨龟 borneensis英文名:Malaysian giant turtle绿毛龟 不是一个专门的品种,而是经过特殊培养将藻类固植在水龟背甲上 。任何品种的水龟都可以如此处理成绿毛龟 。
草龟Hardella下属分类:| 印度冠背龟 indi | 冠背龟 thurjii (草龟也是一个属分类)鳄龟 Chelydridae 下属分类:| 拟鳄龟属 Chelydra | 真鳄龟属 Macroclemys (鳄龟是科分类)乌龟化石(……)这个……turtle fossil? 。
2.用英文写忍者神龟2007的简介(100词左右),要自己写的,不要在线Living in New York city of sewer only 4 demi-god ninja turtle, ZhouFuYeChu, save the earth. They stopped the forces of evil, defeated billionaire, high tech giant Max winters control of ancient warcraft legion and New York bigfoot ninja gang. Finally, ninja rat teachers and leonardo, Michelangelo, donoghue Taylor, rafael YiPuLi in old friend, o 'neill and Kathy Jones's help, heaven, again show the hero seems turtle!
居住在纽约市下水道的4只功夫高强的忍者神龟,昼伏夜出,拯救地球 。他们阻止了邪恶势力,战胜了亿万富翁、高科技巨子马克斯·温特斯控制的远古魔兽军团和纽约大脚忍者帮派 。最后,忍者鼠老师和莱昂纳多、米开朗基罗、多纳泰罗、拉斐尔在老朋友艾普莉尔·奥尼尔和凯西·琼斯的相助下,上天入地,再显神龟英雄本色!
3.忍者神龟英语故事介绍介绍一: Strange events are occurring in New York City, and the Turtles are needed more than ever, but Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo have become lost and directionless. With the city at stake, it's up to Leonardo and Zen Master Splinter to restore unity and ninja discipline to the Turtles. Written by Anonymous 介绍二: After the defeat of their old arch nemesis, The Shredder, the Turtles have grown apart as a family. Struggling to keep them together, their sensei, Master Splinter, becomes worried when strange things brewing in New York City. Tech-industrialist tycoon Max Winters revives four ancient stone warriors and enlists the help of the foot clan to help capture ancient monsters. Written by fortyfourhundred.选我哦!!!! 。
4.忍者的英文是什么忍者的英文:Ninja 读音:英 ['n?nd??] 美 ['n?nd??] 相关短语: 1、Devil Ninja 魔界忍者 2、Ninja Clowns 忍者小丑 3、Ninja Glove 忍者特训 4、Ninja Strike 忍者突击 相关例句: 1、Who was your favourite Ninja Turtle? 你最喜欢的忍者神龟是谁? 2、He will destroy you like an academic ninja. 他会像一个学术忍者一样地毁灭你 。
3、So you code like a ninja. 那就得像忍者那样写代码 。4、Do not be fooled by this slick ninja! 别被这个狡猾的忍者所愚弄! 扩展资料:ninja的起源 一位在国外服务器玩萨满的同学,在和队友一起历经千辛万苦杀死蓝龙BOSS后,一不小心把BOSS掉落的紫色武器拣取(这种行为被称作ninja loot,这样的人则是ninja looter),萨满本身不能使用双手剑这一类型的武器 。
由于魔兽世界的设定关系,该武器捡起即绑定(即无法交易给其他人,只能自己使用或者装备 。(这一问题在后来的版本中由暴雪做出了修正) 。