
n. 爸爸;爹爹
1.Dad has a comb for his mustache.
爸爸有一个梳小胡子的梳子 。
2.What book? - The book, dad.
什么书?- 那本书, 爸爸 。
3.And this tie is for my dad.
还有这个领带是给我爸爸的 。
4.Carol: Mom, sit down. Dad!
卡罗尔:妈妈坐下,爸爸 。
2.英语音标都怎么写辅音部分(28个) [ p ] pot pig put people piano potato [ b ] book bag big job bear but brother [ t ] tooth teacher tea table task tell [ d ] dog dig duck dad double day [ k ] cake keep cat cup cap [ g ] grandpa girl green good god [ f ] father fat foot full fit [ v ] five very vent drive vary [ s ] small study bus yes must [ z ] jazz zoo zero clothes zig [ θ ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth [ δ ] those these that this there [ ? ] cash bush shake shoe ship [ ? ] measure pleasure leisure [ t? ] chair chicken lunch change [ d? ] jack job [ tr ] tree truck train [ dr ] dress drink drain [ ts ] students coats cats [ dz ] beds odds codes [ m ] mum moon morning [ n ] moon nut needle [ ? ] ink link ring [ h ] hello hurry hey [ l ] look leg lake [ r ] rain radio room [ w ] window wake week [ j ] yellow yes you 单元音(12个): [ e ] yes yellow bed pen [ ? ] cat bad dad [ ɑ: ] are car far [ ? ] cut nut but mother color [ ? ] pot got dog [ ?: ] call tall or [ ?: ]curtain further fur [ ? ] mother farmer doctor [ i ] ink big pig [ i: ] jeep tea eat [ u ] good book look cook [ u: ] cool zoo tool cooler 双元音(8个): [ ei ] age day make date [ ɑi ] ice bike nice kite [ ?i ]toy oil boy [ ?u ] old joke gold [ ɑu ] cloud mouth cow [ e? ] air fair chair [ i? ] ear near year [ u? ] cure dure pure 。
3.grandson 音标可以去掉,我查了朗文发音词典,除了grandfather在朗文中有/d/音外(还是个斜体,说明也可以省略),其他如grandson, grandmother, granddaughter都没有d, 但是词典中也指出了在这些词的使用过程中,有些人也有用d的用法,所以说,你的书本没错,有d也对,没d也不是错的 。
这种现象产生的原因,还是从发音的角度看,因为d音是一个齿龈爆破加双唇音,你体会一下发d音的时候,首先舌头是抵在上齿龈(就是上牙床和上牙根那地方),然后这个音还是爆破音(plosive),发音时先双唇闭合,然后爆破发音,所以还是双唇音 。
你再看grandson的s是齿龈音,grandma, grandmother, grandpa的m, p音也都是双唇音, granddaughter更是接了一个相同的d音,只有grandfather在发音时,f音是齿唇音,上牙咬住下嘴唇,和d的发音位置差别较大,所以在发音时发音还是能听见的 。
我觉得慢慢的这些单词的发音就都会没有d音了,就像grandpa和grandma, 谁都不说那个d音了,这也是英语的发音演变现象之一 。

