
1.“秋裤用英语怎么说现在已经是深秋,大部分地区已经比较冷了,相信有很多人已经穿上了秋裤 。
但也许你会发现,穿了很多年秋裤,我们却不知道它的英语说法,难道这就是“熟视无睹”?以下是最常见的各种冬季服饰的英语说法,按照从头到脚的顺序排列,一起来学习吧,有秋裤哦*_* 。01 wooly hat 毛线帽子 02 goggles 防风眼镜 03 earmuffs 耳罩 04 mask 口罩 05 scarf 围巾 06 overcoat 大衣、风衣 coat泛指比较长的外衣,而overcoat则是比较厚和暖和的长度过膝的大衣 。
到大腿而不到膝盖的大衣叫three-quarter (length) coat,这里的length可以省略 。07 fur coat 毛皮大衣 保护动物,拒绝皮草!这里仅仅是谈论一下这类衣服,并不是鼓励大家去买*_* 。
“貂皮大衣”是mink coat,是fur coat的一种,因为fur coat还可以由兔子皮、狐狸皮等制成,是泛指 。08down coat/down jacket 羽绒服 down vest 羽绒背心 长的羽绒服叫down coat,短的叫down jacket,羽绒背心叫down vest*_* 。
09leather jacket 皮衣 leather pants 皮裤 10 windbreaker 冲锋衣 11 wool sweater 羊毛衫 sweat是“汗”,那么sweater就是“让你出汗的衣服”,很形象吧*_*?羊毛衫是毛衣的一种,是羊毛做的毛衣,因为还有其他材料做的毛衣 。12 hoodie 帽衫 13 long johns 秋裤 14 thermal underwear 保暖内衣 其实现在单独的秋裤已经很少了,一般都是秋衣+秋裤的套装,也有了一个更加文明的名字——保暖内衣 。
此外,thermal这个词比较好记,因为therm-这个词根就是warm的意思,它们长得很像 。例如thermos是暖水瓶,thermometer是温度计,都和“温”有关 。
15 cargo pants 工装裤 cargo是“货物”的意思,叫cargo pants是不是很形象呢? 16 gloves/mittens 手套 gloves是五指分开的,而mittens是连指的,这样可以减少手掌暴露在空气中的面积而更加暖和 。需要注意的是,手套一般都是两只,所以要用复数形式 。
17 knee pads 护膝 18 boots 靴子 。
2.大,小,高,矮,瘦,胖,长,短的英语单词怎么写大,小,高,矮,瘦,胖,长,短的英语单词分别为:1、大 big 2、小small3、高tall4、矮short5、瘦thin6、胖fat7、长long8、短short拓展资料big 的用法1. The wind was bouncing the branches of the big oak trees. 一棵棵高大橡树的枝条随风摇摆 。
2. Big credits were given to East Germany by successive West German governments. 历届西德政府给予东德大量的贷款 。3. Bake some big red peppers and hollow them out. 将几个大红甜椒烤一烤,再把它们掏空 。
4. Leather jeans that are too big will make you look larger. 过于肥大的皮裤会让你看起来块头更大 。5. You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too. 你们能获得大笔激励性薪水,还可享受免费膳宿 。
small的用法1. It's not about making the amazing saves. It's the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great. 伟大的门将不是靠神奇的扑救成就,而是靠注重小事和细节成功 。(Tim Howard美国国家队门将)2. Three prisoners were sharing one small cell 3 metres by 2 metres. 3个囚犯关在一个3米长2米宽的小牢房里 。
3. Albania is a small nation state of around 3 million people. 阿尔巴尼亚是一个大约有300万人口的单一民族独立国家 。4. The Inspector remembered her as a small, mousy woman, invariably worried. 检察官记得,她是一个矮小、羞怯、总是闷闷不乐的人 。
5. No detail was too small to escape her attention. 再小的细节都逃不过她的眼睛 。
3.关于时装秀的英语作文150字Then on Sunday, we show started! Dozens of students of the class, but will attend.The first is me. Clothes I was wearing a black and white grid, dressed in plain clothes can no longer ordinary grid, is those red shoes, feel is a word: beautiful! But the score is extremely low. Averaged less than three points, about the two points. I flew back down, ready to play again. This time, I wore a blue gown, dressed in white tights, this is a mother to wash the result of three or four times, with the smell of the washing powder? Shoes to wear sneakers, innovative style. Now, xiaobo eyebrows, hey! Is really good, I this antique dress for I earned a score of 7 points!The next is my deskmate, crooked came to power. Wore his black sweater, dressed in brown and white striped pants and shoes are very pointed a olive cloth shoes, still with some heels! I amazed to see on the show of deskmate, reluctantly played six points. I also with the wind, a dozen friend played four or five points. He is scored an average of four points.Then the elegance and myriad Fan Xilin. She wore bright red sweater, the waist with a gold belt, the triangular "dashan" on his belt, the middle is a heart-shaped belt buckle. Private parts is a short skirt, golden yellow skirt, dark blue skirt and wavy grain, about three or four way of the black stripe in the middle. Wearing a black leather shoes, good-looking. Now, the input to, average up not down, only up to nine points.Xue tao, a fourth is sleeveless is wearing in the green vest, with deep blue leather belt. Dressed in dark blue leather pants, feet wearing a beautiful blue, gray, dark red sneakers this three color, it looks strange. We looked at the queer clothes, all put a zero.The fifth is WeiYa, she wore orange coat, hanging chain, two two pockets. Deep yellow leather belt is quite common, embroidered with flowers and green trousers blue shoes is also very cute. Now, no doubt on the full marks! This is really a surprise result 。