1.英语翻译【药店英语怎么写】本人英bai语还行du,就给你zhi翻翻dao吧,希望内能帮到你 。
容1.I plan to go to medicion store to buy some medicion 2.we do not have many potatoes3.he has no money4.I had a cup of coffe this morning5.what they ate are potatoes and tomatoes6.they are going to have a party7.I had my hair cut yesterday 8.I had a cup of milk9.they are having supper10.Do you still have much honey? 。
所谓处方药是指需经过医生处方才能从药房或药店得到并要在医生监控或指导下使用的药物 。国际上通常用Prescription Drug.表示,简称R(即医生处方左上角常见到的R) 。
与处方药相对,非处方药是指那些消费者不需要持有医生处方就可直接从药房或药店购买的药物 。国际常用的术语有:Nonprescription Drug, Over the Counter Drug,简称为OTC Drug.