1.有没有关于裁员的英语作文Downsizing and Layoffs 裁员缩支When your business has to unfortunately downsize or lay employees off, there are resources and assistance the federal government offers to businesses and employees. 当你的公司很不幸要裁员缩支的时候,联邦政府将会为公司和员工提供资源和援助 。
The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) protects workers, their families, and communities by requiring employers with 100 or more employees (generally not counting those who have worked less than six months in the last 12 months and those who work an average of less than 20 hours a week) to provide at least 60 calendar days advance written notice of a plant closing and mass layoff affecting 50 or more employees at a single site of employment. The WARN Act is a federal statute; many states have enacted similar legislation and some of those states require that the provisions of the Act apply to businesses with less than 100 employees. The U.S. Department of Labor has issued guides providing both workers and employers with an overview of their rights and responsibilities under the provisions of the WARN Act. 美国劳动部发布了指南来指导员工和雇主,告诉他们 WARN 行动的规定中他们的权利与义务 。
第一、关于您的提问,根据我的理解就是:如何书写英语语种的离职感谢信 。
第二、一般来说,离职感谢信的主要内容应包括:首先介绍自己离职的情况和今后的打算,其次回顾过去几年在单位的工作成果和在能力上的提升以及在职务等待遇上的进步,再次是感谢单位领导和同事们的关心和帮助,最后是对大家的良好祝愿 。
第三、关于离职感谢信的格式,您还可以通过互联网查询 。方法是:在百度的搜索引擎的关键字段框内输入“离职感谢信”,即可看到大量相关页面,您可以根据需要选择或改变 。互联网上有太多的内容可供学习和参考,如果您今后在其他方面还有需要或问题,除了通过“百度知道”提问,还可以直接通过互联网查询和学习 。
第四、关于英语语种的离职感谢信 。如果您的英语水平足够好,可以按照相关格式用英语直接写 。如果您的英语水平一般,可以按照相关格式用汉语直接书写,然后请人翻译成英语 。关于如何翻译成英语,您可以在您附近寻找翻译公司;如果在您附近没有翻译公司,您可以通过百度的搜索引擎查找到翻译公司,这种情况下,当您查找到合适的翻译公司,您可能无需到翻译公司办公地点,只需要通过电子邮件与其联系沟通,通过银行卡支付费用即可,非常方便 。
第五、为了您的使用方便,我从互联网上查找了一份中英文的离职感谢信 。缺点在于内容过于简单,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助 。
我即将要离开公司了,此时此刻,心中有一丝不舍 。感谢大家这么多时间以来的关心,爱护和照顾 。希望大家在未来的日子里,都能身体健康、工作顺利,也祝愿公司都能一帆风顺 。再次感谢大家,今后多多联系噢!
Dear all,
It's time to say goodbye to everyone today. I will leave this afternoon.
In XXX years, with you good friends, I have so much happy memory. I will never forget that and they are my largest fortune in my life.
It is my pleasure to work with you and I appreciate much that you have shared precious time with me. Thank you for sharing, support, help and encouragement and thank you for everything!
Wish you happy and healthy!
Keep in touch 。
以上建议,仅供参考 。
3.英语催款信的开头怎么写英文催款信的三种写法:马上结帐 A Letter to Urge Prompt Settlement Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of the 17th July with thanks. We received payments of $275 on the 2nd July, and $525 on the 9th July respectively.This leaves a debit balance of $320. We would like to remind you that in your letter of the 22nd June you promised to repay before the end of June. We enclose a statement for the period ending on the 31st July. We would appreciate a prompt settlement of this account. Yours sincerely,参考译文: 我们已收到你们7月17日的来信,非常感谢 。
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