
1.去公园用英语怎么说去公园的英文:Go to the park 。
英 [pɑ?k] 美 [pɑrk]
n. 公园;[交] 停车场
vt. 停放;放置;寄存
vi. 停放车辆
park oneself [俚语]坐下
industrial park 工业园zhidao区
national park (美)国家公园
【嗯去公园用英文怎么写】theme park n. (游乐园中的)主题乐园
forest park 森林公园
1、public garden
Public Botanical Garden 公共版植物园
The Public Garden 公共花园 ; 花园 ; 公园
historic public garden 历史城市公园
A public garden 一个公共花园 ; 公众花园
2、stopping place
stopping g place 停车场
Prisoners Stopping Place 犯人们在休权息
stopping place on a journey 出外远行时停留的处所
2.去公园用英语怎么说去公园的英文:Go to the park 。
park英 [pɑ?k] 美 [pɑrk] n. 公园;[交] 停车场vt. 停放;放置;寄存vi. 停放车辆词组短语park oneself [俚语]坐下 industrial park 工业园区national park (美)国家公园theme park n. (游乐园中的)主题乐园forest park 森林公园扩展资料同近义词1、public garden公园短语Public Botanical Garden 公共植物园The Public Garden 公共花园 ; 花园 ; 公园historic public garden 历史城市公园A public garden 一个公共花园 ; 公众花园2、stopping place停车场短语stopping g place 停车场Prisoners Stopping Place 犯人们在休息stopping place on a journey 出外远行时停留的处所 。
3.关于去公园的英文作文One Sunday morning Xiao Li and her father went to the People's Park together. Walking around the park, they found a girl crying by a road. They went up to her, asking what her name was and where she lived. But the girl knew nothing about it. So they had to send her to the police station of the park, where she was taken good care of. The news of the lost girl was broadcast in no time. After some time in came the parents of the girl. They were excited to see their child and expressed their thanks to Xiao Li and her father. Then they said good-bye to each other. 。

