台湾的景点英文介绍作文怎么写( 四 )

【台湾的景点英文介绍作文怎么写】 [莺歌以“陶瓷”著称,有“台湾景德镇”美誉 。它有各式各样的陶瓷,其种类之丰富齐备可谓世界上绝无仅有,正因如此,才凸显出莺歌“陶瓷之都”的独特风貌 。
游人除了可在此参观各类陶瓷艺品,也可参观陶瓷烧窑,甚至还可亲手制作手拉胚呢!(Yingko "ceramic" the said, "Taiwan Jingdezhen" reputation. It has a wide variety of ceramics, of the types of rich is the world's unique place, for this reason, it highlights the Yinggehai "ceramics capital" unique character. Visitors can not only visit the various types of ceramics in this art, ceramics can also visit the burning kiln, and perhaps even personally produced NRK embryo?)]第四: 乌来 泡汤赏景两相宜。乌来位于台北县最南端,它地处两条溪流的汇流处,得天独厚的瀑布、山林,加上温泉、泰雅山地风情最吸引游客前往 。
(Wulai in Taipei County's southernmost tip, which is located at the convergence of two streams, abundant waterfalls, mountains and the hot springs, the Atayal aboriginal customs attract the most visitors to the 。)第五:太鲁阁峡谷;沿着立雾溪的峡谷风景线行,触目所及皆是峭壁、断崖、峡谷、连绵曲折的山洞隧道等风光,游人无不赞叹造物者之鬼斧神工 。
(Along the Liwu River valley scenic trip, attention-grabbing As are all cliffs, bluffs overlooking, canyons, rolling twists and turns of the cave tunnels, and other scenery, visitors to praise the Creator of all Guifushengong.)第六:花莲山;在花莲台东一带,除了闽、客人外,以阿美族、卑南族、布农族、排湾族为多,充满浓郁的山地风情(In Taitung, Hualien area, in addition to Fujian, guests, to Amis, Puyuma, Bunun, Paiwan more, full of dense mountain style.)第七:高雄港;游客可搭乘观光客船,由高雄港出发,环绕高雄港口,欣赏高雄港区的雄伟建设与美丽风光 。全程大约一小时又四十分钟,沿途可看到一百多年历史的高雄国际灯塔、乌干达号沉船、台湾最大钢铁中心、最大远洋渔港前镇渔港等建设,直接体会港都忙碌的转运中心作业 。
(Visitors can take sightseeing passenger ships, starting from Kaohsiung Harbor and Kaohsiung ports around to enjoy the magnificent building of the Kaohsiung District and the beautiful scenery. The entire process about one hour and 40 minutes, can be seen along the 100 years of history Kaohsiung International Lighthouse, Uganda, shipwreck, Taiwan's largest iron and steel center, the largest ocean-going fishing port town before the harbor and other constructi 。
8.介绍台湾的英语作文Taiwan island is the largest island of the Republic of China which is located in the western Pacific Ocean.Taiwan has 23 million population and it is well-known for its IT Tech.,tea,banana on earth.If you ever been to Taiwan,you will think that "Taiwan will touch your heart" because of beautiful scenery.Taiwan is part of China since ancient times.Most Taiwanese people come from Fujian and Guangdong.But the mainland China is stolen by Communist Party of China in 1949 and destory "three principles" which was created by Dr.Sun Yat-Sun.So every Taiwanese people is proud of being people of the Republic of China,having the freedom in every where compare with communist China 。
9.介绍台湾的英语作文有翻译Taiwan island is the biggest island of China. It lies in east-south off Fujian coast. It has a population of 23 million. The natives are mainly Han and aborigines. The main cities are Taipei and Kaohsiung. The former one is the political, ecnomical and financial centre of the island. And it is also an international city. However, the latter one is the biggest industrial city and also the second biggest one. The island has different cultures and religions from us. If someone is interested in the land, he or she can come here by plane. It is convenient to visit the island.