
1.用英语翻译以下话:我的父亲是个医生工作勤勤恳恳经常早出晚归.不尽My father is a doctor. He works hard and often goes work early but returns late. He is not only strict in his work but also considerate to the patients. In order to releave the pains of patients and make them come back to normal life, my father is determinied to devote all his life to medical career. He likes reading and he will always take notes while reading. He himself wrote a book published last year. Besides, he is fond of music. Listening to music after a day's hard working and being tired is really a enjoyable thing for him. 。
2.谁能帮我用英语翻译下面这段文字他们勤勤恳恳,再苦再累也毫无怨言They diligently, Zaiguzailei have any complaints. Sister and I are on the university, sister is now teachers. This year the younger brother to the university entrance exam. Each member is in their efforts to do a good job in their own affairs. I have such a harmonious and warm family proud. 。

