还有一点是,我发现,鬼妈妈的爱是有条件的 。即就是,你要对“妈妈”有“爱”,她才能去很“爱”你 。这跟现实的妈妈的爱不一样 。从专业一点的心理学上来说,母爱是无条件的,是本能的吧 。你对你妈很无礼,但你妈也不会要吞噬你的生命 。但鬼妈妈是你一旦惹了她,你便会死的很惨 。
所以,还要本来的老妈老爸好 。虽然在现实中,那个黑眼圈的老爸有一点颓废兼忧郁,但确实真真实实的爱女儿 。这跟那个所谓“梦幻”的世界中的不一样 。
除了这些,我想还有要提醒人们遇见困难要坚强等等吧 。
不过,看了这片,我最大的感受还是在于,还是那些“本该属于我的东西”的好 。比如说,生卡罗琳的父母 。两个很风骚的很可爱的演员“小姐” 。还有话多的WYBIE,那只黑猫,等等 。本来,在生活中,我们在无形中就拥有了一些东西,一些对我们有利的东西 。而在这个时候,若不去珍惜他们,而去幻想很不现实的东西,反而对我们是没有什么好处的 。
教育我们要珍惜现在,珍惜周围爱我们疼我们的人,珍惜一切我们还拥有的东西吧 。
原来扣子也可以这么的诡异恐怖啊,哈哈~ 。BY THE WAY,那个鼻涕虫很逼真,两个演员的屋子里的海报我很喜欢,很有FEEL,那个APRIL的声音也很特别的啊~
8.《鬼妈妈》的中英对照台词楼主请参考:We're here! Time to muscle up.Hello?Who's there?You scared me to death, you mangy thing.I'm just looking for an old well. Know it?Not talking, huh?Magic dowser, magic dowser,show me the well!Get away from me!Ooh.Let me guess. You're from Texas or Utah, someplace dried-out and barren, right?I heard about water witching before, but it doesn't make sense.-I mean, it's just an ordinary branch. -It's a dowsing rod.Ow!And I don't like being stalked, not by psycho nerds or their cats!He's not really my cat. He's kind of feral. You know, wild.Of course, I do feed him every night,and sometimes he'll come to my window and bring me little dead things.Look, I'm from Pontiac.Huh?Michigan. And if I'm a water witch, then where's the secret well?You stomp too hard and you'll fall in it.Oh!See?It's supposed to be so deep, if you fell to the bottom and looked up,you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day.Ha!Surprised she let you move in.My gramma, she owns the Pink Palace. Won't rent to people with kids.What do you mean?I'm not supposed to talk about it. I'm Wybie. Wybie Lovat.-Wybie? -Short for Wyborne.Not my idea, of course. What'd you get saddled with?I wasn't saddled with anything. It's Coraline.-Caroline what? -Coraline. Coraline Jones.It's not real scientific, but I heard an ordinary name like Caroline.can lead people to have ordinary expectations about a person.Wyborne!I think I heard someone calling you, Wyborne.-What? I didn't hear anything. -I definitely heard someone,Why-Were-You-Born.-Wyborne! -Grandma!Well, great to meet a Michigan water witch,but I'd wear gloves next time.-Why? -'Cause that dowsing rod of yours,it's poison oak.I almost fell down a well yesterday, Mom.Uh-huh.I would've died.That's nice.Hmm.So, can I go out? I think it's perfect weather for gardening.No, Coraline. Rain makes mud. Mud makes a mess.But, Mom, I want stuff growing when my friends come to visit.Isn't that why we moved here?Something like that. But then we had the accident.-lt wasn't my fault you hit that truck. -I never said it was.I can't believe it.You and Dad get paid to write about plants, and you hate dirt.Coraline, I don't have time for you right now,and you still have unpacking to do. Lots of unpacking.That sounds exciting!Oh. Some kid left this on the front porch.Hey, Jonesy. Look what I found in Gramma's trunk.Look familiar? Wybie.Huh.A little me? That's weird.What's his name, anyway?Wybie. And I'm way too old for dolls.Hey, Dad. How's the writing going?Dad!Hello, Coraline and Coraline doll.Do you know where the garden tools are?It's 。
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