1.英语中D其实D日(D-day)是美军常用军事术语,和D日同样常用的另一个军语是H小时(H-hour) 。这两个字母用来表示特定作战与行动的开始时间 。这种表示有两个意义,第一是表示作战时间尚未确定,第二表示行动计划高度保密(解放军常用的类似军语是基数:如两个基数炮弹、三个基数燃料 。这里的基数可以是 100发,也可以是500发,但具体是多少则由通讯各方事先约定,其好处是有利于保密) 。
D与H两个字母分别源于它们所代表的单词—D=Day,H=Hour,通常,D日用来表示攻击日,H小时则表示作战开始的具体时间 。在一次特定的作战行动中,D日和H小时都是惟一的 。
美军制定作战计划时,通常将D日与H小时加上数字正负标志,以此表示战役开始前后的精确时间 。比如,H-3表示H小时的前三个小时,D+3表示D日后第三天,H+75则说明H时间后的一小时零十五分钟 。
在确定一次重大战役的具体时间之前,通常统帅部门需要用很长制定详细的作战计划和预案 。为了保证D日目标的实现,也必须采用D日和H小时的正负标识方式,以便在不同时间段发布各种命令,最后在适当时间才发布攻击开始的具体时间 。
据考证,美军第一次使用D日这个军事术语语是在第一次世界大战 。现在可查到的历史档案是美国远征军第一军在1918年9月7日发布的命令:“第一军将在D日H小时发起攻击,夺取St.MihielSalient(地名) 。”
二战欧洲战区最高统帅艾森豪威尔将军最终将诺曼底战役的D日确定为1944年6月6日,这一天通常被简称为D日,所谓“最长的一天” 。
2.关于诺曼底登陆前期准备和艾森豪威尔将军的影片:D Day ,写一篇影In the military terminology, D date serves as frequently expressed a combat or the motion initiate that day. Until now, the most famous D date was on June 6th, 1944 - the Normandy campaign fires the date - is the liberation in the Second World War the Europe continent start which is seized by Nazi Germany. This article will introduce the terminology D date the general-utility. when terminology D date and H serves as expressed a combat or the motion initiate date and time. The reason that uses D and H, is because English “date” and “time” first letter. They in motion date and time decision or security time takes the motion date and the time code number. Usually all participates in a specific act all unit having time the only D date and H. It goes without saying, when H should middle D date. when uses together with the digit as well as the plus sign or the minus sign, these terminology indicated that assigns the motion ahead of time or the retardation time length. If time H-3 expressed when the H 3 hours ago, the D+3 date expresses D date 3 days later. The H+75 minute expressed when H adds on 1 hour 15 minute. the large-scale motion's prospectus will move the time ago is very usually long will be detailed the making to finish. Therefore, the order will have when D date either H through the mark will usually add on or subtracts for one specific date, when or a minute digit will issue. In afterward suitable time, the following order will mark the real date and the time. what uses these terminology most early is in the First World War's US military. Is September 7, in 1918 United States expeditionary forces first armed forces' 9th battlefield order will write about “the first armed forces when D date H initiates in the date forces St. Mihiel Salient retreats for the goal attack.” the Normandy Landing's D date is decided as on June 6, 1944, this day is been also widespread replaces by D date this abbreviation (in French to be called as Jour-J.). 。
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