9.一堂有趣的英语课400字星期四上午的英语课铃声响起后,李老师满面春风的走进教室对大家说“今天,我们做个游戏 。”
大家听完后都兴高采烈起来 。我们的游戏规则是用英语数数,从一数到一百,当这个数的个位是“3”的时候,数到的这位同学就不能说这个数,必须直接跳到下一个数,比如说数到13时不能说“thirteen”要说“fourteen”,数对的同学安全过关,数错的同学要接受处罚----唱一首英文歌曲 。
同学们听后既高兴又紧张 。游戏开始了,雷玥先说了“one”,王加怡跟着说了“two”,轮到雍定业他直接说了“four”,顺利过关,他脸上露出得意的笑容 。
很快就轮到我了,其实我心里早就数好了,我大声说出“eleven”,so easy!真是张飞吃豆芽----小菜一碟 。随着数字越来越大,教室里的气氛也越来越紧张,后面的同学也在提前数自己的数字,生拍自己出错 。
关键的时候徐天乐卡壳了,明明他应该是“thirty--four”,他却说了“thirty--three”,我们全都哄堂大笑起来 。游戏结束后,只有徐天乐和侯长乐没有过关,他们懊恼极了 。
下课铃响了,这趟别开生面的英语课结束了 。过得真快,李老师把课本上枯燥无味的英语单词变成了有趣的游戏节目,这样让我们学的更快、记得更牢,真是一堂有趣的英语课 。
10.英语课上同学们都在干什么作文100字中文happy break time
After 45 minutes'class,we at last have our break time.Hearing the bell,the students rush out of the classroom.The boys take out their beloved balls,such as footblls./volleyballs ect.The girls usually
talks on their seats,and they talk about their life/their favourite teachers or interests.some students even do nothing ,just stay involved in the sea of knowledge.
The time is short,but in the short time students get well rest.I love the break time.
Ten Minutes' Break Between Classes
Class is over.The students are jumping with joy,just like runaway horses.Look,some of them have left their seats and begin to play noisily.They are laughing and screaming from time to time.Some don't leave their seats.They are making use of the short time to play games.Sometimes they argue so seriously and sometimes they appear so polite.Others are sitting in their seats,as if they are thinking of something.Now and then they will stop to watch what others are doing.What an active ten minutes' break it is!
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