我和姑姑蹲到洗手池旁 , 打开水龙头准备洗碗 。望着两三叠厚厚的碗 , 不禁大惊失色道:“姑姑 , 怎么有这么多的碗呀!”姑姑笑了笑 , 说道:“客人多碗就多呀 , 你现在知道挣钱不容易了吧!今天是劳动节 , 就让我们在劳动节中好好劳动吧!”说干就干 , 我和姑姑分工起来 , 她洗碗 , 我用水滤净 。
经过我俩的努力 , 终于洗好了碗 。一个上午过去了 , 我在下午还得尽上我这个小店员的最后一个义务 , 那就是拖店面的地板 。
这可难不倒我 , 因为拖地是我的强项 。我二话不说 , 拿起拖把 , 沾上水拧干后就不动声色地拖了起来 。
姑姑的店面虽不大 , 但杂物却比较多 , 总是挡住拖把 , 所以我左拖右甩根本行不通 。我只好搬开杂物 , 一点一点地拖 。
时间一分一秒地过去 , 成功也终于在一场汗流浃背后迎来 。傍晚就要来临 , 我们要回家了 。
姑姑给我买了一条雪糕以作感谢 。品尝着冰凉的雪糕 , 我回想着刚刚的劳动 。
“五一”劳动节就在我的劳动中过去了 , 我认为这个五一让我明白了劳动的可贵 , 也让我在五一里学会了劳动 。让我们劳动在“五一”吧 。
5.怎样写五一节的日记50个字Today is May day.For the first time I went to visit the Great Wall.
Early in the morning,Father,Mohter and I went to the railway station.We got to the Great Wall at about nine.It was warm and fine and there were many people.Among them there were a lot of foreigners.They all looked happy.When we climbed up I was very excited.Father told me the history of the Great Wall.We took a lot of photos on it
After we got home,we were all tired,but Iwas still very excited,I fell proud of the Great Wall and our great country.
I had to admit the three days holiday was really boring.
On Thursday,which was the first day of the holiday,I think I had to done what the "labour day" meant.Guess what?I helped mum to do some housework such as cleaning,washing etc.It was really tired after the whole day's work.I fell on asleep early in the evening.
In the next day,some of friends and me decided to climb XX mountain which is located 29km away from city.We reached there at around 11am after 1h of travelling.It was quite fun at the beginning but soon our interest in climbing had dropped drasticly due to the high temperature.It was ended up with disappointment.
On the last day of the holiday,which was the most boring dau in the holiday.The whole day was spend in front of the comperture,chitchating with friends via MSN or playing online game.
Yes,it is the most boring holiday that I have ever.
6.五一劳动节的祝福语怎么写1 五一有空吗 , 我想去找你 , 你到车站等我好吗?不过我怕人多不好认 , 你把头发弄成爆炸式 , 右手拿支木棒 , 左手端个瓷碗与我联系 , 接头暗号是:行行好! 2 美丽的阳光伴着一声声问候 , 一阵阵微风 , 一朵朵白云 , 一片片真心 , 一框框祝福 , 送给我最惦记的朋友 , 愿五一的阳光送给你快乐! 3 五一3天小长假 , 送一片花瓣祝朋友暖心 , 送一阵花香祝朋友舒心 , 送一根青草祝朋友爽心 , 送一片绿叶祝朋友开开心心!五一节过得愉快哦^)^ 4 愿将我的怀念和祝福 , 在这鸟语花香的的节日 , 默默送给你 。
祝五一过得开心! 5 劳动节祝你劳有所获 , 劳应所获 。动中有静 , 静中有动 , 动动静静 , 静静动动 , 天下变化 , 祝福你始终未变 , 祝天天天晴!晴天天天! 6 今年五一不再劳动 , 放松一下心情.尽管心宽了很多 , 但好像装不下任何东西了.不为别的 , 只为心里装的--只有你.祝劳动节快乐^_^! 7 好久不见 , 十分想念.在这漫漫的五一长假里 , 常常忆起共处的岁月.找点时间 , 约个地点 , 带上祝福 , 来个非常体验! 8 酒越久越醇 , 朋友相交越久越真;水越流越清 , 世间沧桑越流越淡 。