1.种花用英语怎么说1.种花:grow the flowers 。
2.种花 栽花:growflowers 。
3.种花 种花:Blumen pflanzen 。
The garden of her is very beautiful,because she has a green thumb.
My aunt likes growing flowers,too.
一般就用:grow the flowers
1. 水仙,narcissus 2蝴蝶兰,phalaenopsid 3天堂鸟,bird of paradise
4勿忘我,forget-me-not 5满天星,baby's breath 6兰花,orchid
7美人蕉,cacca(或Indian shot) 8风信子,hyacinth 9郁金香,tulip
10夜来香,evening primrose 11梅花,plum blossom(或wintersweet)
12牡丹,peony 13杜鹃花,azalea 14菊花,chrysanthemum
15蓝色妖姬,blue dream 16荷花,lotus 17凌霄,Chinese trumpet creep(学名campsis grandiflora)
18仙人掌,cactus 19 竹子,bamboo 20梅花 plum blossom(或wintersweet)
21向日葵 sunflower 22茉莉jasmine 23.丁香lilac
24.百合lily 25.木兰花mangnolia 26.玉兰花mangnolia
27.牵牛(喇叭花)morning glory 28 玫瑰 rose 29紫罗兰violet,stock violet
30薰衣草 lavender 31文竹 setose asparagus 32凤仙花uch-me-not (balsam)
33 樱花cherry 34杜鹃花 azalea 35秋海棠 begonia
36Brazil 巴西木 37仙人掌cactus 38.山茶花camellia
39. 麝香石竹(康乃馨) carnation 40灯笼花 Chinese enkianthus
41海棠花 rab-apple 42 菊花 chrysanthemum。
2.用英语写种花的过程Step1 Prepare the soil for planting. A loose, healthy soil is essential to a thriving flower garden. A soil that is perfect for planting will be easy to work. You should be able to dig a hole in it with your hands. If your soil is not yet ready for planting you can improve it easily. With a shovel cover the soil with 3 to 5 inches of organic matter such as compost or peat moss. Rototill the organic matter into soil to a depth of 1 to 2 feet, then rake the area smooth. Step2 Choose the right flowers for your garden. Because of the endless varieties available today you can find flowers suited to nearly every garden. Perennials are not only beautiful and come in a wide array of colors and textures, but they will return year after year. The downside is that most perennials bloom for a short period of time, many for no more than a week. Annuals, on the other hand, produce a season-long frenzy of blooms lasting for three to four months or until the first frost kills them back. Annuals will need to be replanted every year. Read gardening books and catalog and talk to you local gardening specialist to decide which plants are best suited to your area of the country. Step3 Plant your flowers. Using a large shovel, dig a hole 2 to 3 inches larger than the plant's root ball. With you fingers, gently loosen the soil around the plants roots. Place the plant in the hole into the newly dug hole so that the top of the plants root ball is level with the top of the hole. Using your hands, fill in the hole with dirt, pressing it down to prevent air pockets from forming around the roots. Step4 Water your new plants. Use a water hose or watering can to give the flowers a thorough soaking. Flower gardens need to receive 1 to 2 inches of water a week. This amount will need to be increased during the hot summer months. The best time to water your flower garden is early morning. Step5 Mulch your flower garden. Using a shovel or your hands, apply 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch around the plants. Applying an organic mulch such as bark or pine straw will keep the soil moist. This means less watering time for you. Organic mulch will also prevent pesky weeds from overtaking your flower garden. 。
3.关于种花、种树的英语作文March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that day . On that day , we didn't had classes . The teachers and our classmates planted trees around our school.
We began to planted trees as soon as we got to school . some students dug the holes . Some students put the trees into the holes.
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