
1.welcome to tianshui作文Last Sunday morning, my friend and I went to visit the Beijing Zoo. We went by bike. It took us about half an hour to get there. When we got there, it was already crowded with people. There were a lot of foreign visitors, too. It is said that the Beijing Zoo is the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of animals. It world take a whole day to see all the animals there. So we decided to see some of the most interesting ones. We saw the elephants first and then the monkeys. Finally we went to see our favourite "friends"--the giant pandas. We were delighted to see them waving to us. We really had a wonderful time in the zoo 。
2.英语作文tianshui is a beautifule citytianshui is a beautifule city
Named after the river, from the "Milky Way" beautiful legend. As early as three thousand years ago, the Tianshui area, densely populated, houses, landscape scenery, Hayashiki Memo". Qinmo early Han Dynasty, the long-term battle with drought, The people are destitute. GUI cheng. One night, suddenly the wind whistling, a shining, lighting accompanied by peals of thunder, the ground is red. Suddenly, the earth is continuous, in the boom boom boom, cracked a large seam. I saw the sky water pouring down into the cracks in the split, forming a lake, called Lake tianshui". The water level in the lake, the water pure, mellow and sweet, "spring is not dry, summer is not over, but four ying". People say that the lake and the Milky way, and call it a day well". Later, the legend was the emperor heard this, he gave on the north side of the lake to set up a new GUI, named "Tianshui county". Since then, with the name of "Tin Shui".
天水得名,源于“天河注水”的美丽传说 。远在三千多年前,天水地区人烟稠密,屋宇毗连,“山水灵秀,林木密茂” 。秦末汉初,长期的征战加上干旱,上邽城民不聊生 。一天夜里,忽然狂风呼啸,雷电交加,一道金光闪耀,地上现出红光 。顿时,大地连续震动,在轰隆隆巨响声中,裂开一条大缝 。只见天上河水倾泻而下,注入裂开的大缝中,形成一湖,名曰“天水湖” 。此湖水位稳定,水质纯净,甘冽醇厚,“春不涸,夏不溢,四季滢然” 。人说这湖与天河相通,又叫它“天水井” 。后来,这个传说被汉武帝听到了,他就给上邽北城的湖旁新设的这个郡,起名“天水郡” 。从此,有了“天水”之名 。
3.the weather in tianshui.英语作文60字带翻译Reading is important I think reading is very important in our daily life,First,of all,reading is very useful,we can get a lot of knowledge from reading,We may slove some questions by reading books,Scond,we can relax ourselves by reading,When we are very tired,we can read some jokes and some funny stories.It will help us feel more happy .So ,let us start reading.The more you read,the more you will improve,不好意思啊,我不住在上海,不知道上海的天气,第二篇没有什么提示词吗? 。

