
1.一路顺利的翻译是:什么意思一路顺风 。
Have a splendid voyage.
Have a five trip!
祝你一路顺风 。
May you have a fine trip.
祝你一路顺风 。
I wish you a fine trip.
Have a pleasant trip!
A pleasant journey to you!
祝你们俩一路顺风 。
I wish both of you a fine trip.
祝您归途一路顺风 。
I hope you have a pleasant journey.
祝您归途一路顺风 。
Hope you have a pleasant journey home.
祝你一路顺风旅途快活 。
I hope you have a very pleasant journey.
2.【getalltheway比如,all the way 一路上,一直; 完全 We can go all the way by motorboat.我们可以一路上乘摩托艇去.He stays all the way in the game.他自始至终参加比赛.I'm with you all the way.我完全同意并支持你.As one of the best football teams in the country,our team got all the way to the final before being beaten.作为国家里最佳足球队之一,我们队一路顺利打进决赛,从未被打败. 。
3.请帮我讲这篇中文摘要翻译成英文,必须使用专业汽车术语,直接度娘"In recent years, with the rapid development of automobile industry, Chinese car ownership is also has a substantial increase . The rapid growth of car sales volume and large cars, to provide good protection for the development of automobile service industry. Therefore, the automobile after sale service ,the repair industry also gradually more formal into our vision, consumers are increasingly high requirements for the service industry.
In order to makea smooth development for the automobile 4S shop repair industry, we should have a correct understanding of the current situation, put forward reasonable scheme. This paper mainly for automobile 4S shop repair industry in Chinese development present situation, analyzes the existing automobile 4S shop repair process problems. On the basis, designed a set of perfect repair process design,I believe that can play positive role of consumer psychology on automobile 4S shop repair process , to make Chinese auto 4S shop repair industry enterprise the development of the right orbit and become more healthy
Keywords: Automobile 4S shop, repair, process, design"

