
1.打字,英语作文During this summer vacation, my parents and I went to Yunan by plane. We were there for five days. On day one, it was cloudy, and we went to Stone Forest. On the second day, it was cloudy again, and we went to Dali ancient city. On the third day, it was rainy, and we went to Mount Cang, and Er Sea. On the fourth day, it was sunny, and we went to Yulong Snow Mountain. On the fifth day, it was sunny and we went to Kunming flower market.
2.打字员用英语怎么拼写【打字用英语怎么写】打字员: typist例句与用法:1. 一位好打字员可在短短时间内完成这一长长的文章 。
A good typist can finish typing the long article in a short while.2. 打字员本周休假. The typist is away on holiday this week.3. 我们缺少打字员[我们的打字组缺员]. We have vacancies for typists/in the typing pool.4. 我担任秘书工作,说得准确些是打字员 。I worked as a secretary, or rather, a typist 。

