对培训师的评价怎么写英文( 二 )

She was born for teaching and does a great job. In her class, she can get her students involved in learning and doing exercises. They are attracted by the topics she gives and this makes her class lively. As a result, most students like to be in her class.
Li Xin is a good teacher not only because she has a good way of teaching, but also because she loves her students and never spoil them. She is kind and considerate, and is ready to help her students who meet with difficulties.
My teacher, Li Xin, is not only our good teacher, but also our best friend. We all like her and will remember her forever.
【学生对老师的评语】1、老师授课的方式非常适合我们,他根据本课程知识结构的特点,重点突出,层次分明 。理论和实际相结合,通过例题使知识更条理化 。但授课速度有点快,来不及记录 。2、老师授课有条理,有重点,对同学既热情又严格,是各位老师学习的榜样 。3、老师上课有时非常幽默,有时非常严格,不过还是非常有教授风度的,不妨自己来听听嘛!大家很崇拜他哦!=4、老师治学严谨,要求严格,能深入了解学生的学习和生活状况,循循善诱,平易近人;注意启发和调动学生的积极性,课堂气氛较为活跃;上课例题丰富,不厌其烦,细心讲解,使学生有所收获;半数认真工整,批改作业认真及时并注意讲解学生易犯错误;最重要的是,段老师能虚心并广泛听取学生的意见和反馈信息,做到及时修正和调整自己的教学 。总之,段老师是一个不可多得的好教师 。5、老师对待教学认真负责,语言生动,条理清晰,举例充分恰当,对待学生严格要求,能够鼓励学生踊跃发言,使课堂气氛比较积极热烈 。6、课堂内容充实,简单明了,使学生能够轻轻松松掌握知识 。7、教学内容丰富有效,教学过程中尊重学生,有时还有些洋幽默,很受同学欢迎 。8、老师教学认真,课堂效率高,授课内容详细,我们学生大部分都能跟着老师思路学习,气氛活跃,整节课学下来有收获、欣喜,使人对此门课程兴趣浓厚 。9、一开始这门课的时候确实被教材的厚度吓了一跳,虽然现在已在老师的提纲挈领下掌握了重点,仍然对自己不是很有自信 。我认为电子化教
6.帮忙写个英文的对老师的评价our teacher is very knowledgable, he isvery active in class which everyonelike.He is very friendly to hisstudents and very popular with us.it's pleasure to listen to his class,he like to tell stories and fairytales in class so we learn mostof knowledge through fun. the mostdifficult part of lessons suddenlybecomes the most easiest thingsthrough his mouth.We all like hisclass because it's not tiring atall.We are very lucky to havesuch a brillian teacher like him 。

