1) In history, Japan tried to be like China in all respects. Nara and Kyoto are basically the epitome of Medieval Chinese cities. However, since the Meiji Restoration, their object of worship has become the West.
1) 历史上 , 日本力图在各个方面都像中国一样 。奈良和京都基本上是中世纪中国城市的缩影 。然而 , 自明治维新以来,他们的崇拜对象变成了西方 。
2) Economically, their middle class is steadily falling into poverty, and ordinary Japanese families have actually stopped spending. In 2019, their debt to GDP ratio was 236%. In 2016, the Bank of Japan adopted negative interest rates, which will one day reach a critical point. It is recommended to read Kenichi Ohmae's book on Japan's bleak economic prospects and the loss of hope among Japanese young people, "low desire society", all of which happened when China was still growing and helping other countries grow.
2) 在经济方面 , 他们的中产阶级正稳步陷入贫困,日本普通家庭实际上已经停止了支出 。2019年,他们的债务与GDP之比为236% , 2016年,日本央行就采用了负利率,总有一天会达到一个临界点 。推荐阅读大前研一(Kenichi Ohmae)关于日本经济前景黯淡和日本年轻人失去希望的书,《低欲望社会》 , 所有这一切都是在中国仍在增长并帮助其他国家增长的时候发生的 。
3) In terms of resources, Japan has always been strongly aware that it cannot be self-sufficient. This is a geographical talent problem, so they invaded China at the first opportunity.
3) 就资源而言,日本一直强烈地自我意识到不能自给自足,这是一个地理天赋问题,所以他们一有机会就入侵了中国 。
4) As for the environment, since the 2011 earthquake, Japan has dumped millions of metric tons of radioactive water into the ocean every year. American and Canadian companies on the west coast were forced to continue selling radioactive seafood, and independent research on radiation levels in the Pacific was systematically suppressed. Who wants to live on a nuclear wasteland, let alone a wasteland that is destroying the entire ocean?
4) 关于环境,自2011年地震以来,日本每年向海洋倾倒数百万公吨放射性水 。西海岸的美国和加拿大公司被迫继续销售放射性海产品 , 有关太平洋辐射水平的独立研究也被系统地压制 。谁愿意生活在核荒原上,更不用说一个正在毁灭整个海洋的荒地了?
5) Finally, government capacity. When the Fukushima earthquake and nuclear disaster occurred in 2011, the highest level government in Japan responded slowly and completely stagnated, which is in sharp contrast to China's response to the Wenchuan earthquake and the current coronavirus epidemic, or it is not comparable at all.
5) 最后,政府能力 。当2011年福岛地震和核灾难发生时,日本最高级别的政府,响应缓慢,完全停滞不前,这与中国对汶川地震和当前冠状病毒疫情的反应形成鲜明对比,或者完全没有可比性 。
In my opinion, China is regaining its position in the world. All her neighbors are still moving against the trend in developing relations with this giant. This is what I am puzzled about.
在我看来 , 中国正在重新夺回其在世界上的地位,她的所有邻国仍在发展与这个巨人的关系方面逆潮流而动,这是我感到疑惑的地方 。
Interesting question. In the past few years living in Japan, I have noticed that the Japanese generally have a groundless and strange sense of superiority towards China. But now that you mention it, it may indeed be an inner jealousy.
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