
由中国外文局和日本言论NPO共同实施的第十七届北京-东京论坛“中日关系舆论调查”结果正式公布 。从调查结果来看,两国民众对对方国家的看法没有发生较大变化 , 同去年基本一致 。两国受访者一致肯定两国关系对两国以及整个地区至关重要,但是历史等诸多问题,仍旧对两国对各自国家的看法产生了较大影响 。除此之外,根据调查结果来看,美国对中日两国关系发展带来的影响越来越明显 。在美版知乎Quora上,外国网友提问道:为什么中国会害怕日本?他们妒忌日本吗?这个荒谬的问题引起各国网友的围观 , 我们来看看他们的观点 。




Since I began to comprehensively study and pay attention to China us, China Japan and US Japan relations, my views on Japan have changed greatly.
自从我开始全面地研究和关注中美、中日和美日关系以来 , 我对日本的看法发生了很大变化 。
Japan has no right to launch any war. They are the losers of World War II and are therefore controlled by the United States. The Japanese constitution forbids them to have an army. Like South Korea, its defense right is firmly in the hands of the United States. The existing self defense forces are only used for internal defense purposes. Their factories are also restricted from producing offensive war equipment. Why would a Security Council power fear a vassal state without sovereignty?
首先 , 日本无权发动任何一场战争,他们是二战的输家,并因此受美国控制 。日本宪法禁止他们拥有军队,和韩国一样,其防御权牢牢地掌握在美国手中 , 现有的自卫队只用于内部防御目的 , 他们的工厂也被限制不能生产进攻性战争装备 。一个安理会大国为什么会害怕一个没有主权的附庸国?

Think with a normal rather than emotional mind: how can a country with only one tenth of China's population win a war with China, which has a population of 1.4 billion and is equipped with the latest technology?
Almost everyone is familiar with how the Japanese Empire invaded China without any reason during the period from 1894 to 1945 under the pretext of fabricating, expanding Japan's sphere of influence in China, treating the Chinese people as inferior races and committing satanic acts against civilians.
几乎每个人都对日本帝国如何在1894年至1945年期间无缘无故地以捏造的借口不断入侵中国,不断扩大日本在中国的势力范围、将中国人视为劣等种族以及对平民犯下撒旦恶魔一样的行径颇为熟悉 。
I once found in historical materials that a Japanese officer was in a meditative posture behind a square composed of about 50 Chinese heads. Each head stood quietly on the ground without a sound. However, I heard the cry from my ears, and the fascist devil was silent behind.
我曾在历史资料中发现一名日本军官在一个由大约50个中国人头组成的正方形后面摆着冥想的姿势,每个人头静静地矗立在地上,毫无声息 , 我却从耳畔听到了呐喊声,而法西斯恶魔就在后边默默入定 。
It is estimated that more than ten million Chinese were killed by the Japanese between 1937 and 1945. However, of the hundreds of thousands of Japanese officers, only about 900 were executed for war crimes.