华为手机的宣传音乐,并且制作了短片《Dream It Possible》进行宣传推广,短片生动讲述了一个名叫安娜的女孩追求钢琴梦想15年的成长历程,通过不懈的坚持与努力,最终登上了维也纳音乐厅的舞台,实现了自己的人生梦想,动人演绎了对梦想的执着追求 。第一次听歌曲是因为同事有华为手机,而且铃声就是这个,这个是华为手机的经典铃声吧,一直想要找到这个歌曲的出处,找寻了好久,往往专注地找一首歌曲的还找不到的时候,是最烦躁的时候,幸好现在有很多软件可以听音识曲或者是哼唱识曲的方式,后者对于五音不全的圈圈就算了 。只能通过听音识曲的方式,于是乎,在同事铃声再次响起的时候,打开QQ音乐的听音识曲功能去识别 。最终终于被我找到了 。就是这个歌曲《Dream It Possible》 。歌词也是十分积极向上的,给人以奋进的感觉,让人可以积极投入到其中,奋发努力的工作 。对比了几个唱这个歌曲的歌手 , 还是感觉Delacey(有小Adele之称)演唱的味道更好一点,张靓颖翻唱的,还是没有delacey的那种感觉 。或者说是冲劲不够吧 。听这个歌曲的时候 , 让人很感动,在没有看歌词意思的时候 , 就有种内心感动的感觉 。好似一块石头终于被自己搬上了山上一般,喘上一口气的感觉! 以下是歌词,喜欢的 , 可以听一下哦! 歌词:I will run I will climb I will soar
I'm undefeated
Jumping out of my skin pull the chord
Yeah I believe it
The past is everything we were don't make us who we are
So I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars
It's not until you fall that you fly
When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable
Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
And we'll dream it possible
I will chase I will reach I will fly
Until I'm breaking until I'm breaking
Out of my cage like a bird in the night
I know I'm changing I know I'm changing
In into something big better than before
And if it takes takes a thousand lives
Then it's worth fighting for
It's not until you fall that you fly
When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable
Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
And we'll dream it possible possible possible possible
From the bottom to the top
We're sparking wild fire's
Never quit and never stop
The rest of our lives
From the bottom to the top
We're sparking wild fire's
Never quit and never stop
It's not until you fall that you fly
When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable
Take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
And we'll dream it possible
Possible possible possible中文释义:疾走 , 攀缘,搏击长空我为王者琴瑟在御,挣脱身之樊笼信仰至上任往昔包罗万象,你我今能自主因此我将不懈逐梦直至举头烂然星辰不畏踬踣 , 便可龙翔凤翥当梦富有生机,岗岭便无花开堪折,曙光须逐,倩丽应寻晦暗中方熠熠生辉 , 化尘为金心欢梦圆梦圆奔逐,至极,翩跹九天直至我化泡影,终至我为覆灭冲破桎梏,如寂夜凤凰涅磐我知我在蜕变,我晓我在重生前所未有的洪荒之力迸发如若无数生灵飞灭自是值得殊死一战不畏踬踣,便可龙翔凤翥当梦富有生机,岗岭便无花开堪折,曙光须逐,倩丽应寻晦暗中方熠熠生辉,化尘为金心欢梦圆,梦圆 , 梦圆,梦圆九层之台,始于垒土吾侪燃爆燎原烈火从未言弃,决不行无惧穷极一生九层之台,始于垒土吾侪燃爆燎原烈火从未言弃,决不行不畏踬踣,便可龙翔凤翥当梦富有生机 , 岗岭便无花开堪折,曙光须逐,倩丽应寻晦暗中方熠熠生辉,化尘为金心欢梦圆梦圆,梦圆 , 梦圆心欢梦圆
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