生活|《我在中国的家》故事4 | ANVITA: 生活是一片海滩:从海滨之城到另一海滨之城( 二 )

上课不像是在上课 , 每天都是非常欢乐 , 充满互动 , 老师们也很友善 。 我们有听力、口语和文学课程 , 这些课程安排得十分合理 , 我们不觉得有什么压力 。 初级课程是最难的 , 大多数学生需要花费更多的时间理解 , 但老师会不厌其烦地给我们答疑解惑 , 真心感谢他们 。
With a lot of happy memories also came a lot of sad memories. There were a lot of farewells at the end of each semester since many students had to go back to their home countries, it was so heart breaking. I still try my best to stay in touch with them, even until today!
回忆中有很多快乐 , 也有许多悲伤 。 每个学期末 , 许多同学不得不回国 , 因此我们也不得不经历一场场令人心碎的告别 。 直到现在 , 我们依旧努力保持联系!
生活|《我在中国的家》故事4 | ANVITA: 生活是一片海滩:从海滨之城到另一海滨之城
This was at the Bund, I do really miss Shanghai!
My hometown is Mumbai, which is the financial capital of India. Although Xiamen and Mumbai are both coastal cities, they each have their own different charm.
我的故乡是孟买 , 它是印度的金融之都 。 厦门和孟买虽然都是海滨之城 , 但它们却展现着各自的魅力 。
Xiamen has a population of about 4 million but Mumbai’s population is almost 21 million! Mumbai is known as the city that never sleeps; even at 3AM in the morning there is traffic outside and people going on about their day. The food there is also something that I really miss. You can find literally anything and everything. Restaurants in Mumbai love creating their own versions of popular international food items, which they call a “desi twist”. Even McDonalds in Mumbai has a different menu compared to other outlets around the country, that’s how enterprising they are. I once took my Chinese friends to a Chinese restaurant there thinking it was authentic at the time, but boy was I wrong! They were surprised to see that there wasn’t a single authentic Chinese dish in the menu. I’d like to believe they still enjoyed the food anyway.
厦门的人口约为 400 万 , 但孟买的人口多达 2100 万!孟买是座不夜城 , 即使在凌晨 3点 , 外面依旧车水马龙 , 人们继续他们的生活 。 我真的很想念孟买的美食 。 在孟买你可以找到任何珍馐美味 。 孟买的餐馆喜欢创造本土化的异国美食 , 他们称之为 “desi twist” 。 甚至孟买的麦当劳菜单也与全国各地的其他门店不同 , 这就是孟买人的创新精神 。 有一次 , 我带中国朋友去孟买的一家中餐馆吃饭 , 当时我以为这是家地道中餐馆 , 但是我错了!他们惊讶地发现 , 菜单上没有一道正宗的中国菜 , 但我相信他们还是很喜欢这些美食 。
生活|《我在中国的家》故事4 | ANVITA: 生活是一片海滩:从海滨之城到另一海滨之城
It said curry rice on the menu
生活|《我在中国的家》故事4 | ANVITA: 生活是一片海滩:从海滨之城到另一海滨之城
Malatang is just hotpot for people who don't like to share
Speaking of food, I was not familiar with any authentic Chinese food when I first came to Xiamen. All I knew was Chinese people ate fried rice. Learning to eat with chopsticks was the first hurdle I had to overcome and now it all feels so effortless. Some of my friends are also a few of the restaurant owners around here, they really love to chat. I love eating Malatang so much, I even started posting about it online and about all the other interesting food you can get here.
说到食物 , 我刚来厦门的时候还不懂什么是地道的中国菜 , 我只知道中国人吃炒饭 。 学会用筷子吃饭是我必须克服的第一个障碍 , 现在我用起筷子如鱼得水 。 我有一些朋友在厦门开餐厅 , 他们十分健谈 。 我爱吃麻辣烫 , 甚至在网上分享麻辣烫 , 以及在厦门可以吃到的其他美食 。