作者:Namrata Motiani
Namaste Everyone, I am Namrata and I am truly blessed, grateful, thankful and feel very fortunate with my life. 16 years ago, life brought me here with my small family – my husband and two lovely daughters. Before coming to Guangzhou, we were in Jakarta, Indonesia where we were staying in our comfort zones – full of luxury. We moved to Guangzhou when my husband started his small business in trading, which is quite popular here, among foreigners. In China, there are many cities that have accommodated many foreigners with jobs and businesses.
大家好(合十礼) , 我是 Namrata 。 生活在这里 , 我由衷地感到幸福 , 常怀感恩 , 感激生活中的一切 。 16 年前 , 生命的航船把我们一家子——我和丈夫以及两个可爱的女儿——带到这里 。 来广州之前 , 我们在印尼雅加达过着奢侈的生活 , 那里是我们的舒适区 。 搬到广州后 , 丈夫开始经营贸易 , 公司虽小但十分受欢迎 , 在外国人中也是如此 。 中国的许多城市接纳包容外国人 , 让我们得以安身立业 。
Guangzhou is a beautiful, well organized and large city with beautiful structural buildings, complexes, malls, gardens, parks. There are amazing Chinese people all around who are very joyful, charming, generous, courteous, helpful and are super active. Age is not a barrier here – and everyone follows this – in fact, they are an example for us, and I have learnt so much from them. I think, when we want to be better or when life wants to teach us something in our lives, it puts in that place or in such circumstances where we can grow accordingly. At the beginning, language was really a barrier for me, and it was not easy to communicate nor was it easy to learn. But I was lucky to have a few people at my husband’s office, the staff and a few neighbors who helped me a lot with everything I needed. I’m really thankful for their help. They encouraged me and my daughters to learn the language too. My daughters picked up the language quickly and I managed to learn everyday basics including shopping and transportation phrases.
广州是个美丽繁华、井然有序的大都市 , 结构建筑、楼群、商场、花园、公园 , 无不尽显美的感受 。 这里生活着了不起的中国人 , 他们非常欢乐、可爱、慷慨、有礼貌、乐于助人 , 而且超级活泼 。 每个人都奉行“年龄不是障碍”这一信条 。 他们不愧是我们的榜样 , 我从他们身上学到了很多 。 我想 , 当我们想变得更好 , 或者说当生活想教会我们一些东西时 , 它就会把我们带到这样的环境中 , 让我们可以成长 。 一开始 , 语言不通对我而言的确是一个障碍 , 沟通不容易 , 学习亦困难 。 好在有丈夫的同事、职员和邻居的帮忙 , 他们在我需要的一切方面给了我很多帮助 。 我真的很感谢他们 。 他们也鼓励我和女儿学习汉语 , 我女儿学得很快 , 我也学会了日常用语 , 购物和出行时派得上用场 。
I have learnt so much from them | credit: Namrata
Living in this beautiful city with lovely people is fascinating in itself. Life brings all kinds of twists and turns, ups and downs, sadness and happiness but when we start liking our surroundings, we automatically start liking everything. The Chinese culture is similar to our Indian culture – the New Year celebration, making and buying sweets, cleaning of houses, decorating, buying fresh flowers and clothes, praying, meeting family members and friends, giving them sweets, gifts and red envelopes. During the time of Chinese New Year, the city looks more beautiful with all the decorations, lightings, and you can see people wearing new clothes in red which is very auspicious. The importance of family members celebrating together and having meals is also cherished and I find this to be a beautiful part of life.
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