1.假如你赴美国夏令营归来,请给你在美国照顾你的美国夫妇写一封感谢Dear mum, dad, sister:
Thank you very much for the days of our care, the days we had, and we are very happy to live together with you. Your very good to me, we are very touched, thank you. We'll miss you. Thank you take us to eat hot pot, thank you take us to party, thank you for picking our school every day. I won't forget you. Really want to play again and you Uno.
The most sincere wishes
P.S. pele, would you want me? I'd miss you very much.
2.求写英语作文假如你是李华,刚从英国菜价夏令营归来.请给你结识的英Dear John,How are you doing these months?I haven't heard from you for months.Hope you good.I have been in Cambridge for over 8 months.After I am used to the food the weather here,I like this place and I feel better.From this semester,I start to choose my major courses.I have 16 hours class per week for 3 different courses.It is not too busy but not too easy for me.I hope can obtain A or at least B plus for all of them.Professors and lectures are very professional and very nice for us.Usually they will give out a read list for all related books at the beginning of the course,so that those books will help to understand the course and essay at the end of semester.I am in an international college in Cambridge,there are many foreign students.Chinese students take most of the percentage.I can find classmates coming from China and have fun at weekends.By the way,I start to learn rowing from last summer.You may know there is long history of rowing contest between Oxford and Cambridge.Christmas is coming,and all students will have long holiday.Will you come here and john us?Best wishes,Yours Hua 。
3.,假设你是李华,刚从某教育机构组织的为期一个月的赴美夏令营归 I am very grateful to you for helping me in the USA.your care I have a feeling of home in a distant foreign land.in the USA, the students are very friendly, they are very willing to help others.Your son, Tom, is a people person, and his future will be successful.In my country, I would like to learn from you, to help more people.I feel far from home.Also, welcome you to travel to China, I'd be happy to take care of you as you take care of me. 谢作推介谷歌翻译 。
4.求一篇“假如你是李华..Youfeelverylonely.Myadviceisthatyou'.What'smore,.Ifyoulikepets,'tfeellonelyanymore.,too. Yours LiHua 。
5.夏令营感谢信感 谢 信
正值暑期来临之际,恰逢西北师范大学“梦之翼”科学夏令营来我校奉献爱心,久旱逢甘霖,让我们一道奉献一份爱心,帮助这些渴望知识、渴望成长的孩子们,使他们健康、快乐地成长 。
在当下这个浮躁和充斥着成功学的功利年代,感谢已经成为一个轻飘飘的词语,学习感恩甚至变成了一个产业 。感谢本是情感自然的表达,一旦成为工具 。就变了味,失掉了本有的意义 。
人其实很健忘,他们只记住愿意记住的东西 。若干年后,参加夏令营的孩子大多数已经忘记了这次活动,忘记了曾经付出过许多的志愿者和参与机构 。那为什么大家还要做公益?为什么还要去帮助那些困难的人呢?
一位诗人曾经说过“与你同行的人比你要到达的方向更重要”,那些生活在贫困山区的孩子,他们的人生之路就好比崎岖山路上的追逐,乱石荆棘密布,追逐爱,追逐未来,追逐生命和自我的意义 。在这样艰难的跋涉中,他们能获得的帮助和支持甚少,他们中的大部分人的人生路很难变成坦途 。只有极少的一部分孩子,他们聚精会神,全力以赴,披荆斩棘能为自己的人生开启新的篇章 。我们所有的付出和守望,不定就在某个孩子奋斗的历程中为他(她)添加了一点信心,一点目标和一点爱 。