
1. 本地 英语怎么说【本地的英文怎么写】 local:relating to the particular area you live in, or the area you are talking about 本地的
例如:I am a local man/resident. 我是本地人
native:1 a person who was born in a particular place
2 someone who lives in a place all the time or has lived
here a long time 本土的
例如:I am a native of China. 我是土生土长的中国人
2. 本地英语怎么说 local:relating to the particular area you live in,or the area you are talking about 本地的例如:I am a local man/resident.我是本地人native:1 a person who was born in a particular place 2 someone who lives in a place all the time or has lived here a long time 本土的例如:I am a native of China.我是土生土长的中国人 。
3. 本地人用英语怎么说 1、“本地人”:native adj.本土的,本国的 n.本地人
比如:I'm a native here.(作可数名词)
Andrew is a native American.(作形容词)
2、“本校生”好象没有单独的词,你可以说,I'm a student of this college(or university).
3、“07届应届生”:2007 graduate(作可数名词)
4. 本地人英文翻译 “本地人”的英文是Locals "
I'm a native of this place.; I was born here. 我是本地人 。
The election committee itself was formed with four women members who were natives. 选举委员会由四名女委员组成,她们都是本地人 。
Are you a foreigner? I'm a local. 你是个外国人吧?我是本地人 。
You are not from here right?你不是本地人对吧?
I am a native of Beijing. 我是北京本地人 。
5. '你是本地人还是外地人'用英语怎么说 英语是:Are you a local or a stranger?
local 英[?l??kl] 美[?lo?kl]
adj. 局部的; 地方的; 当地的,本地的; 褊狭的;
n. 慢车; 本地居民(律师、教士、医生); 住处附近的当地酒店; 本地新闻;
[例句]We'd better check on the match in the local paper
我们最好在本地报纸上查一下这场比赛 。
stranger 英[?stre?nd??(r)] 美[?strend??]
n. 外地人; 陌生人,不认识的人; 局外人; 门外汉;
adj. 不熟悉的,陌生的(strange)的比较级;
[例句]Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult
要对一个素昧平生的人谈自己的生活经历是比较困难 。