
1. 通用两个字的英文怎么写 “通用”两个字的英文是:be in common use 音标:[bi?] [?n] ['k?m?n] [ju?z] 相关句子: 1、All that said, ESB is an established term, so it will be in common use for some time to come. 总之,ESB 是一个普遍接受的术语,在一段时间内还会广泛使用 。
2、Digital signature, as an important technology to ensure information safety in cryptology field, is now gradually replacing manual signature and tends to be in common use. 密码学领域中保障信息安全的重要技术——数字签名正在逐步取代手写签名并趋于普及 。3、In order to truly reflect its going after production, it is the company's urgent need to select a proper loading scheme and develop an advanced and reliable load apparatus which can be in common use. 为了真实反映其投产后的工作情况,选择适当的加载方案和研制先进、可靠、通用的负荷装置是公司的迫切需要 。
相关词组: 上海通用 SGM ; Shanghai GM ; ACDelco ; Shanghai General Motors 通用验证 SGS S.A ; Generic Validation 通用塑料 ABS ; Wide Plastics ; LDPE ; PVC 通用接口 GSM General Purpose Computer ; common interface ; CII Common Interface ; GPCGeneralPurposeComputer 通用食品 General Foods Corporation ; General Foods ; General Mills ; Genering Foods 。
2. “通用的”用英语怎么说 通用的英文是be in common use 单词解析: 英 [bi: in ?k?m?n ju:z] 美 [bi ?n ?kɑm?n juz] 通用 例句: 1 、Objective To provide a express plasmid carrier platform that can be in common use for preparation of RNase-resistant RNA standards and controls. 目的为耐核糖核酸酶(RNase)的RNA标准品和质控品的表达制备提供1个通用载体平台 。
2、Another illustration can be seen in the common use of metals and minerals in traditionalmedicines. 另一项例证是传统药物中金属和矿物质的广泛使用 。拓展资料 近义词:currency,be current 1、currency 英 [?k?r?nsi] 美 [?k?:r?nsi] n.货币62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431346339;通用,流通,流传,传播;市价,行情;流通时间 复数: currencies 记忆技巧:curr 跑,引申为“发生” + ency 表行为 → 跑来跑去 → 流传 例句: The term 'post-industrial' now has wide currency . “后工业化”这个术语现已广为使用 。
2、be current 英 [bi: ?k?r?nt] 美 [bi ?k?r?nt] 通用;盛行;行 例句: These artifacts should be kept current and available to governance stakeholders. 这些工件对于治理涉众来说应当始终保持最新状态和可用性 。
3. 通用两个字的英文怎么写 “通用”两个字的英文是:be in common use
音标:[bi?] [?n] ['k?m?n] [ju?z]
1、All that said, ESB is an established term, so it will be in common use for some time to come.
总之,ESB 是一个普遍接受的术语,在一段时间内还会广泛使用 。
2、Digital signature, as an important technology to ensure information safety in cryptology field, is now gradually replacing manual signature and tends to be in common use.
密码学领域中保障信息安全的重要技术——数字签名正在逐步取代手写签名并趋于普及 。
3、In order to truly reflect its going after production, it is the company's urgent need to select a proper loading scheme and develop an advanced and reliable load apparatus which can be in common use.
为了真实反映其投产后的工作情况,选择适当的加载方案和研制先进、可靠、通用的负荷装置是公司的迫切需要 。
上海通用 SGM ; Shanghai GM ; ACDelco ; Shanghai General Motors
通用验证 SGS S.A ; Generic Validation
通用塑料 ABS ; Wide Plastics ; LDPE ; PVC
通用接口 GSM General Purpose Computer ; common interface ; CII Common Interface ; GPCGeneralPurposeComputer
通用食品 General Foods Corporation ; General Foods ; General Mills ; Genering Foods