1. 写小轿车的英语作文 Cars and Bicycles
Cars and bicycles are similar in that they are both privately owned means of transport.
However, there are a lot of differences between them. A car costs a lot more to buy than a bicycle. In addition, it is far more expensive to run. For example, a car has to be insured,
and must be served regularly; further more, spare parts for a car cost a lot of money. A car uses petrol which is expensive, where as a bicycle uses only human energy.
On the other hand, as far as comfort is concerned, a car is better than a bicycle. In a car you are protected from the weather, and have comfortable seats and plenty of room to carry people and luggage.
A car is not only more comfortable than a bicycle, it is faster as well.
With respect to convenience, it is difficult to say which one is better. A bicycle is certainly easier to park!
So it is difficult to make a choice. In my opinion, if you can afford it, you'd better buy both a car and a bicycle. It will be very convenient.
2. 轿车的英语怎么说 轿车
passenger car
saloon car
轿车(saloon car)是指用于载送人员及其随身物品,且座位布置在两轴之间的汽车 。包括驾驶者在内,座位数最多不超过九个 。一般轿车强调的是舒适性,以乘员为中心 。而且是从经济性考虑出发,选择马力适中、排量小、耗油量小的发动机 。在中国内地的行驶证管理方面,轿车特指区别于货车、皮卡、SUV、大巴、中巴的小型汽车,俗称为“小轿车” 。在香港,轿车又称私家车 。
3. 汽车用英文怎么说啊 car,automobile 小汽车;
bus ,公共汽车;
taxi,cab 出租汽车;
lorry ,运货汽车,卡车 。
乘用车在其设计和技术特性上主要用于载运乘客及其随身行李和(或)临时物品,包括驾驶员座位在内,乘用车最多不超过9个座位 。乘用车分为以下11种车型 。主要有:普通乘用车、活顶乘用车、高级乘用车、小型乘用车、敞篷车、舱背乘用车、旅行车、多用途乘用车、短头乘用车、越野乘用车、专用乘用车 。
商用车在设计和技术特性上用于运送人员和货物,并且可以牵引挂车,但乘用车不包括在内 。主要有:客车、半挂牵引车、货车 。
以前中国没有汽车制造业 。中国土地上第一辆汽车是1903年输入的美国产奥斯莫比尔牌小汽车,领得第一号汽车行驶牌证,其所有者为上海富翁 。
中国制造汽车的尝试是在奉系军阀张学良将军支持下,于1928 年聘请美国技师指导,在沈阳北大营军工厂成功仿造了美国万国牌载重汽车,1 年中装出10 辆 。
我国的第一辆汽车于1929年5月在沈阳问世,由张学良将军掌管的辽宁迫击炮厂制造 。张学良让民生工厂厂长李宜春从美国购进“瑞雪”号整车一辆,作为样车 。李宜春将整车拆卸,然后除发动机后轴、电气装置和轮胎等用原车零件外,对其它零件重新设计制造,到1931年5月历时两年,终于试制成功我国第一辆汽车,命名为民生牌75型汽车,开辟了中国自制汽车的先河,这是值得钦佩的 。
4. 小汽车用英语怎么读 小汽车的英语: car 音标:英 [kɑ?] 美 [kɑr] 按照音标读即可 car ①n. 汽车;车厢 ②n. (Car)人名;(土)贾尔;(法、西)卡尔;(塞)察尔 【例句】 1、She battered up her car in the accident. 她在事故中把自己的汽车撞坏了 。
【小轿车英语怎么写】 《21世纪大英汉词典》 2、The battery in my car ran down this evening. 我的汽车里的蓄电池今天晚上用完了 。《21世纪大英汉词典》 3、The car beeped at us until we fastened our seatbelts. 汽车冲我们发嘟嘟声,直到我们扣紧安全带 。