
1. 瑞士首都的英语怎么写 国名:瑞士联邦 (Swiss Confederation)
国旗: 呈正方形 。旗地为红色,正中一个白色十字 。瑞士国旗图案的来历众说纷纭,其中有代表性的说法就有四种 。至1848年,瑞士制定了新联邦宪法,正式规定红地白十字旗为瑞士联邦国旗 。白色象征和平、公正和光明,红色象征着人民的胜利、幸福和热情;国旗的整组图案象征国家的统一 。这面国旗在1889曾作过修改,把原来的红地白十字横长方形改为正方形,象征国家在外交上采取的公正和中立的政策 。
国徽:为盾徽 。图案与颜色与国旗相同 。
2. 写北京首都的英语作文 北京 Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, and municipalities directly under the central government and the national central city, the politics, culture, science and education, and international communication center of China, China's economic and financial decision-making and management center, the central people's government of the People's Republic of China and the National People's Congress (NPC) is located, is also one of the biggest cities in the world.
Beijing is located in the northwest edge of north China plain, backed by yanshan, southwest of yongding river flows through the old town, adjacent to tianjin and hebei province.
Beijing is one of the "four big ancient capital" in China, has six world heritage, is has the most cultural heritage number of cities in the world, is a has three thousand years history of city construction, more than eight hundred and sixty years of capitals of historical and cultural city, has many historical monuments and the humanities landscape.
3. 写北京首都的英语作文 北京 Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, and municipalities directly under the central government and the national central city, the politics, culture, science and education, and international communication center of China, China's economic and financial decision-making and management center, the central people's government of the People's Republic of China and the National People's Congress (NPC) is located, is also one of the biggest cities in the world.Beijing is located in the northwest edge of north China plain, backed by yanshan, southwest of yongding river flows through the old town, adjacent to tianjin and hebei province.Beijing is one of the "four big ancient capital" in China, has six world heritage, is has the most cultural heritage number of cities in the world, is a has three thousand years history of city construction, more than eight hundred and sixty years of capitals of historical and cultural city, has many historical monuments and the humanities landscape 。
4. 中国的首都用英语怎么说像这样的:Belgium the capital of China;China's capital中国的首都例句:1. Beijing is the capital of China. It's a cosmopolitan city. 北京是中国的首都,它是一个国际都市 。
2. I am very proud of living in Beijing, the capital of China. 我很自豪,因为我生活在中国的首都--北京 。3. Beijing, the capital of China, is China's political, cultural and international exchange center.北京是中国的首都,是中国的政治、文化和国际交往中心 。