
1. 五的英语单词怎样写 五
n. five, number 5; group of
five objects
数(四加一后所得) five:
五分之一 one fifth
名{音}(我国民族音乐音阶上的一级) a note of the scale in gongchepu
(工尺谱) ,  corresponding to 6 in numbered musical notation
(姓氏) a surname:
五圣 Wu Sheng
2. 一到五的英语单词怎么写 一到五的英语单词读法:
1、one:英 [w?n]美 [w?n]
2、two:英 [tu?]美 [tu]
3、three:英 [θri?] 美 [θri?]
4、four:英 [f??]美 [f?r]
5、five:英 [fa?v]美 [fa?v]
英语里表示序数(ordinal number) , “第几”都是加个“th”(连在一写) , 比如六为 six , 第六为sixth 。
注意表示第四的时候 , 是正常的“fourth” , 不是“forth” 。“forth”是另外一个单词 , 意思“向前” 。
表示第五=fifth , 非fiveth;表示第八=eighth , 非eightth;表示第九=ninth , 非nineth;表示 第十二=twelfth , 非twelveth 。
所有“ty”结尾字改为“tie”(发音不变:[t I ]) 。加上“th” , 即为“tieth” 。
3. 求用下面五个单词写一篇简单的短文 Last Sunday when I was 【chatting】 with my friends Charlie on the road, we heard someone crying.
上周日我正在路上与朋友Charlie聊天的时候 , 我们听见哭声 。
At the same time I 【caught sight of】 a little lovely girl who was sitting at the corner of the road.
同时我瞥见一个小女孩坐在转弯的地方哭泣 。
She was so beautiful that we'd 【rather】push her down 【than】 ask her about her trouble.
她长得真漂亮 , 漂亮得让我们连问问她怎么了都不想问而直接推倒她 。
But we couldn't. Because she is obviously younger than 14.
但是我们不能 , 因为她还显然还未满14岁 。
So we went to her and asked what was wrong with her.
于是我们走过去问问她怎么了 。
She told us that she'd lost her mother and couldn't find the way home.
她说她与妈妈走散了 , 自己不认得回家的路 。
Fortunately she remembered the address of her house.
还好她记得家的地址在哪里 。
We found that her family lives 【nearby】. And her father is always out.
我们得知了她家就住在附近 , 而且她爸爸经常不在家 。
We took her home, and her mother is at home, looking anxious.
我们送她回了家 , 她妈妈刚好在家 , 看上去很焦急 。
When she saw her daughter she turned happy and grateful to us.
看见女儿回来了她开心起来并且很感谢我们 。
God her mother was hot, which 【impressed】 us so much.
她妈妈好性感 , 这让我们印象非常深刻 。
We memorized the address and planned to pick a time to “visit” her hot mother.
我们记住了地址 , 打算挑个时间来“拜访”一下性感的妈妈 。
4. 5用英文怎么写 5的英文单词是five 。
音标:英 [fa?v] 美 [fa?v]
n. 五 , 五个;五美元钞票
num. 五 , 五个
adj. 五的;五个的
n. (Five)人名;(挪)菲弗
five hundred 五百分(牌戏 , 一种以得500分为胜局的游戏)
five star 五星级的;第一流的
five dynasties 五代
five star hotel 五星级宾馆
five senses n. 五官感觉(指视、听、触、嗅、味五种感觉)
give me five 击掌 , 表示庆祝胜利 , 加油
twenty five 二十五
big five 英国五大银行