
1. 写一篇关于浙江的英语作文 Zhejiang is an eastern coastal province of the People's Republic of China. The word Zhejiang (crooked river) was the old name of the Qiantang River, which passes through Hangzhou, the provincial capital. The name of the province is often abbreviated to "Zhe"
Zhejiang borders Jiangsu province and Shanghai municipality to the north, Anhui province to the northwest, Jiangxi province to the west, and Fujian province to the south; to the east is the East China Sea, beyond which lie the Ryukyu Islands of Japan.
2. 用英语写一篇有关浙江 The ubiquitous plastic shopping bag, so handy for everything from toting groceries to disposing of doggie doo, may be a victim of its own success. Although plastic bags didn't come into widespread use until the early 1980s, environmental groups estimate that 500 billion to 1 trillion of the bags are now used worldwide every year.
Critics of the bags say they use up natural resources, consume energy to manufacture, create litter, choke marine life and add to landfill waste.
"Every time we use a new plastic bag they go and get more petroleum from the Middle East and bring it over in tankers," said Stephanie Barger, executive director of Earth Resource Foundation in Costa Mesa, Calif. "We are extracting and destroying the Earth to use a plastic bag for 10 minutes."
The foundation is calling for a 25 cent tax on plastic bags in California.
A bill that would have imposed a 3 cent tax on plastic shopping bags and cups was sidelined in the California Legislature last year after heavy opposition from the retail and plastics industries.
The plastics industry took a "proactive stance" by working with retailers to encourage greater recycling, rather than "putting on taxes to address the problem," said Donna Dempsey, executive director of the Film and Bag Federation, a trade association for the plastic bag industry.
3. 关于浙江的英语作文 General_Situation
Geographical Location
Zhejiang is located in the southern part of the Yangtze River Delta on the southeast coast of China. It lies between 27o12' and 31o31' north latitude and 118o00 and 123o 00' east longitude. It faces the East China Sea on the east and neighbors Fujian on the south. With an extensive hinterland in the rear, it shares borders with Jiangxi and Anhui on the west and Shanghai, the country's largest city, and Jiangsu on the north.
Zhejiang is renowned for its picturesque landscapes. It boasts well-known mountains such as Yandang Mountain, Xuedou Mountain, Tianmu Mountain, Tiantai Mountain and Xiandu Mountain, and famous lakes such as the West Lake in Hangzhou, the East Lake in Shaoxing, the South Lake in Jiaxing, the Dongqian Lake in Ningbo and the North-South Lake in Haiyan. The Thousand-Islet Lake in Chun'an County of Hangzhou is the largest man-made lake in the country. Major rivers in the province include the Qiantang River, the Oujiang River, and the Nanxi River. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal runs through the northern part of the province, and merges into the Qiantang River in Hangzhou.
4. 用英语怎么表达浙江省的大小和地理位置 浙江,简称“浙”,境内最大的河流钱塘江,因江流曲折,称之江、折江,又称浙江,省以江名 。
Zhejiang, referred to as the "Zhejiang, the largest of the Qiantang River, because the river twists and turns, said Jiang, folding Jiang, also known as the Zhejiang Province in the name of the river.
地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲南翼,东临东海,南接福建,西与安徽、江西相连,北与上海、江苏接壤 。浙江省东西和南北的直线距离均为450公里左右 。据全国第二次土地调查结果,浙江土地面积10.18万平方公里,为全国的1.10%,是中国面积最小的省份之一。
Located in the south wing of Yangtze River Delta in the southeast coastal China, east of the East China Sea, south of Fujian, West connected Anhui, Jiangxi, North and Shanghai, Jiangsu border. Zhejiang province and the north and south of the straight line is about 450 kilometers. According to the results of the second national land survey, Zhejiang land area of over square kilometers, for the country's 1.10%, is one of the provinces of china.