
1. 英语作文怎么写啊 Dear emily ,
You asked me about the gifts l got on New Year s Day and what I bought these days. Well, I got many presents from friends and red-envelope money from relatives. There was a cute teddy bear given to me by one of my classmate, and there was another person who gave me a set of colouring pencils. I got a total of three hundred and fifty dollars from all of my relatives. A hundred and sixty from mum and dad, a hundred and twenty from grandma, and seventy from uncle and aunty. I also brought many things, such as a few books for me to read during free times, new pens and a bracelet for one of my best friends.
2. 英语作业怎么写啊 :Mum,(1)Where is my coat ?
B:What(2)colour is it?
A:It's red 。It is my (3)favourite coat.
B:Is (4)it on your bed?
A:No,it isn't
B:Oh,it's(5)under the bed on the floor.
My shoes are ____ ____ ____.under the table
This is ____ ____ ____. a white bird
____ ____ ____ is fish. My favourite food
____ ____ is your pen? What colour
【让我英语怎么写啊】____ ____ ____ ____ this word? How do you spell
______________________The apple is on the chair.
______________________My favourite food is meat.
______________________ The pens are on the desk.
_________________川紶贬咳撞纠鳖穴搏膜_____What colour are the flowers?
3. 这些用英语怎么说啊 The teacher, my name is HeYingJiang, 16 years old. I am from China, my school is located in fuqing city in fujian province, it is my second Alma mater is a public junior high school, inside a beautiful environment, green, the air is fresh, teachers and classmates are all very friendly, I like walking across campus, can let me feel relaxed, I like the subject is music history and English class, because I like singing, singing can make me forget all of bosom sorrow and unhappy things. History is contains thousands of years of Chinese culture, and I like to also want to know these ancient culture, so I like history. I like English, I think and many international personnel can normal sexual communication, but I'm more stupid, learn bad English, so I have been improved. I love playing table tennis playing basketball to play table tennis, because the boys like these. My hometown is in fuqing city in fujian province, one of the towns, here scenery beautiful, beautiful scenery, the people are very friendly. Speaking of my family? I really don't want to say. My parents because work favour, all the year round on a business trip, I followed my grandpa's grandmother, so I was so upset, because I don't get of parental love, others are a care home parents grew up, which I am not. Although I know them this is to life at home can be better, but they did not know that life and is worth more than a warm family. But, I still have three very love my sister, they bring me a lot of happy happy feeling, so I was lucky. I want the future actually a lot of, I think the future can be a international well-known clothing a teacher, because I love clothing, clothing can let people into fashion, to tide, at the same time I also is a favorite dress up, so I like clothing. At the same time I also like photography, I want to be an international renowned photographer, because I like to take the nature, I often by phone-snapping elegance of nature, that is really beautiful. I also yearning to your school to learn, to learn better language and understanding of western culture and history. I understand your school after all I think your school is very suitable for me, I think I'll also suitable for your school, still hope group to your school study status of the I .会有错误,但是大概就这样 。