
1. 拜年的英文单词怎么写 拜年
[词典] pay a New Year call; make a ceremonial call on New Year; wish sb. a Happy New Year;
[例句]黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心 。
The weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen--not with the best of intentions.; A weasel giving new year's greetings to a hen has ulterior motives.
2. “拜年”的英文是什么 拜年pay a new year call wish。
a happy new year 例句:(5261祝福)Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.恭贺新4102禧,万1653事如意 。Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.“内今天我去拜年”容应该说成“I've played a New Year call today.” 。
3. “拜年”的英文是什么 拜年
pay a new year call
wish。a happy new year
Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.
恭贺新禧,万事如意 。
Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
“今天我去拜年”应该说成“I've played a New Year call today.”
4. 拜年英文是什么 拜年:pay a New Year call、New Year's greeting 1、pay a New Year call 英文发音:[pe? ? nju? j??(r) k??l] 中文释义:拜年;贺年 例句: Another time for us to pay a new year call as usual arrived and we met at last. 又是一个过年拜见的时刻,我们终于见面 。
2、New Year's greeting 英文发音:[nju? j??(r)z?ɡri?t??]] 中文释义:拜年 例句: But I've never sent anyone a new year's greeting, so I suppose this is only what I deserve. 不过为了自己从不会给人拜过一次年,算了,这也是应该的 。扩展资料 pay的用法: 1、pay的基本意思是“付给”“付出”,指某人买东西或做某事所花费的金钱 。
引申可表示为“给予” 。2、pay既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词 。
用作不及物动词时,多作“合算,值得”解; 用作及物动词时,其搭配范围比较窄,主语只能是人,宾语常是人、钱或账单,而不能是其他物品,如果其客体是物品,则须用for引导 。3、可用于被动结构 。
4、pay可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语 。也可接由动词不定式或副词充当补足语的复合宾语 。
5、pay作及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语,但一般是表示钱,账单或人的词 。如果要表示为某事或某物付钱时,需要用介词for或是to的不定式来引导 。
5. 拜年英语作文 我帮你一下吧!我不写题目了 。
英文:"Fei-Mei Ying-chun containing tender in full bloom, and Liu Shu Feng Fu to shoot," the annual Spring Festival has come, and New Year's is a highlight of the Spring Festival, and in previous years, mom and dad, uncle, aunt and brother took me to the uncle in the first month 初四New Year's grandfather's house. My uncle and grandfather living in Tin Sum of suburbs, here is a rather beautiful village, four have been surrounded by green hills, distant mountains and looked to the mountains of white clouds like a ribbon Piaowu forward, winding in the mountains of trees, the mountain is a checkerboard-like vegetable, green bamboo and camphor set off the farm, in the farm side there is drooping of the Stir reflection in the pond. This world as if in a dream just as I am uncle and grandfather living in this dream home is in the village. Not to my uncle and grandfather home, see my uncle and grandfather at home strands of smoke to the roof Gone, as if to welcome our arrival, we came to the uncle and grandfather home, uncle and grandfather, I see us coming, like today, like spring, take out a number of tobacco and betel nuts, as well as he thinks the best snacks, warm hospitality we have at the same time asked me and my brother are learning and this year's gift, I and younger brother told the uncle, grandfather, and we have achieved, although not very good , but it is still an improvement compared to last year. Recognition of our uncle and grandfather, said: "As long as there is good progress, while encouraging us to continue refueling!" At this moment uncle and grandfather hand into the pocket, took out two red packets and asked if we took the number of New Year's money? I tell uncle and grandfather, triumphant: "took more than 2,000 yuan had." Jiuyeyeshui him my brother, not New Year's, my uncle and grandfather once said one simple sentence congratulate happy New Year and good luck, good health and my brother funny with Jiuyeyeyue the sentence: "Kung Hei Fat Choy, a red envelope brought!" Jiuyeyeshui: "red envelopes come at once, and asked his brother to his grandfather how much? brother answered his grandfather gave him a 100. uncle and grandfather jokes to say: "I am in rural areas, unlike your grandfather so rich, give you 10 yuan. "The brother really think only to so much, and feel very lost, because the removal of his grandfather, the elders gave away 100 yuan, can be uncle and grandfather only to 10 yuan, he was lost and angry, ran out, and I see uncle grandfather He went out on and my parents talked for a while, then my brother came in and told me 10 yuan should Jiuyeyeshuo and grandfather from the maternal uncle took over the red envelope, my brother open the red envelope a look at 100 yuan, just wiped out those who feel frustrated, he is like a rose to heaven from hell, like happy people who jumped up. My father and my aunt looked at my brother just funny expressions, are laughing up. Time is not late, after lunch and immediately went to the other an uncle and grandpa's house New Year. I think that the Chinese New Year nice ah, you can and family reunion, and we children could also be New Year's money. 中文:“飞雪迎春含梅怒放和风拂地嫩柳舒芽”一年一度的春节又到来了,拜年是春节的一个重头戏,和往年一样,爸爸妈妈,姑姑叔叔带着我和弟弟在正月初四到舅爷爷家去拜年 。我的舅爷爷住在田心的郊区,这里是颇为秀丽的村庄,四处都被苍翠的群山环绕着,远处向群山望去,山上的白云像绸带飘舞着,缠绕在山上的树丛间,山下,是棋盘似的菜地,绿竹和香樟掩映着农舍,在农舍边有低垂的柳丝倒映在池塘里 。