1. 忽忘我花的来历用英文怎么写出来啊【忘我英语怎么写】 勿忘我-Forget Me Not, Myosotis
Myosotis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae that are commonly called Forget-me-nots. Its common name was calqued from the French, "ne m'oubliez pas" and first used in English in 1532. Similar names and variations are found in many languages.
There are approximately fifty species in the genus, with much variation. Most have small (1 cm diameter or less) flat, 5-lobed blue, pink or white flowers with yellow centers, growing on scorpioid cymes. They bloom in spring. Leaves are alternate. These flowers were ordered by the queen of England to be exterminated in all of the UK. Popular in gardens, Forget-me-nots prefer moist habitats and where they are not native, they have escaped to wetlands and riverbanks. They tolerate partial sun and shade.
Forget-me-nots may be annual or perennial plants. Their root systems are generally diffuse. Their seeds are found in small, tulip-shaped pods along the stem to the flower. The pods attach to clothing when brushed against and eventually fall off, leaving the small seed within the pod to germinate elsewhere. Seeds can be collected by putting a piece of paper under the stems and shaking them. The seed pods and some seeds will fall out.
They are widely distributed. Most Myosotis species are indigenous to New Zealand, though one or two European species, especially the Wood Forget-me-not, Myosotis sylvatica have been introduced into most of the temperate regions of Europe, Asia and America. Myosotis scorpioides is also known as scorpion grass due to the spiraling curve of its inflorescence. Myosotis alpestris is the state flower of Alaska.
Forget-me-nots are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Setaceous Hebrew Character.
希望能帮到你 。
2. 勿忘我 用英文怎么说 勿忘我是一种花名,,可是叫人家别忘了你可以说forget me not. (跟那花名的写法一样)
万事顺利就是all the best,或者best wishes to you (中译:给你最好的祝福)
其他祝福的话: please send my warmest blessing to your family. (请代我问候你的家人,给他们最温暖的祝福)
还有god bless you. (愿主祝福你)
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