
1. 英文写作中的summary应该怎么写 首先Summary的写作应该分为以下6步:①分段阅读 首先,我们需要对整篇文章浏览一次,根据文中的标题、副标题等分段阅读 。
②重读 主动阅读文章,并把主题句、关键句以及对写作summary有用的信息标记出来 。③概括 在明确了每个分段的中心思想之后,用一句话概括出来 。
注意:句中只需要关键点,不需要进行细节性的描述 。④主旨 主旨句是一篇摘要的关键点,读者可从中获知整篇文章所要表达的内容 。
【summary怎么写开头】因此,一定要写好主旨句 。⑤写summary 在写summary的时候一定要注意:在summary中需要写原作者和作品的名称,且要用现在时去写作,尽量避免使用原文内容 。
除此之外,摘要的写作目的在于准确表达作者的观点,所以一定不可以添加自己的观点在里边 。⑥检查并修改 在summary完成之后需要检查我们是否准确的将作者的观点表达出来了,如果没有问题的话,也还是需要从个事、语法以及标点等方面进行一次检查 。
下边BayDue给大家分享一篇summary写作范文:Why do some animals die out?In the past two hundred years people have caused many kinds of animals to die out--to become extinct.People keep building houses and factories in fields and woods.As they spread over the land,they destroy animals'homes.If the animals can't find a place to live,they die out.Sixteen kinds of Hawaiian birds have become extinct for this reason.Other animals,such as the Florida Key deer,may soon die out because they are losing their homes.Hunters have caused some animals to become extinct,too.In the last century,hunters killed all the passenger pigeons in North America and most of the buffalos.Today they are fast killing off hawks and wolves.Pollution is killing many animals today,too.As rivers become polluted,fish are poisoned.Many die.Birds that eat the poisoned fish can't lay strong,healthy eggs.New birds aren't born.So far,no animals have become extinct because of pollution.But some,such as the bald eagle and the brown pelican,have become rare and may die out.Scientists think that some animals become extinct because of changes in climate.The places where they live become hotter or cooler,drier or wetter.The food that they eat cannot grow there any more.If the animals can't learn to eat something else,they die.Dinosaurs may have died out for this reason.Summary:In the past two hundred years,many kinds of animals have died out.There are several reasons for it.First,people keep building houses and factories in fields and woods,which destroys animals'homes.Then,hunters'killing has also caused some animals to become extinct.Besides,some animals aren't able to bear strong offspring and nor do they have enough food to eat because of pollution and climatic changes. 。
2. 高考英语中的summary要怎么写 摘要写作首先要抓住文章的重心,也就是像这位网友所说的要读懂,这个懂并不是每词每句全部不漏的翻译下来,而是要懂得大意,要知道文章讲的是什么事情,一般记叙文不会出现,说明议论类型的较为多一些,运气好点的话,这样的文字每段都会有一句中心句,或开头或结尾,但是要注意,摘要作文的条件是不能照抄原文,所以找到句子之后要用自己的语言去概括,然后在最后最好用一句话来总结 。
如果运气不好的话,每段落大意就得麻烦你的大脑了,要概括一整段的文字,还要注意简洁明了,不能超过规定字数 。总之,一般的文章都会给予分段,段意明确,多多练习还是很重要的~~ 。
3. 高考英语中的summary要怎么写 摘要写作首先要抓住文章的重心,也就是像这位网友所说的要读懂,这个懂并不是每词每句全部不漏的翻译下来,而是要懂得大意,要知道文章讲的是什么事情,一般记叙文不会出现,说明议论类型的较为多一些,运气好点的话,这样的文字每段都会有一句中心句,或开头或结尾,但是要注意,摘要作文的条件是不能照抄原文,所以找到句子之后要用自己的语言去概括,然后在最后最好用一句话来总结 。