
1. 谁有那英《征服》的英文版歌词【征服英文怎么写】 征服 演唱:那英 终于你找到一个方式分出了胜负 Finally you found a way ceding a outcome 输蠃的代价是彼此粉身碎骨The cost of lose was the breaking apart of both 外表健康的你心里伤痕无数 You looked healthy with countless wounds in your heart顽强的我是这场战役的俘虏 The stubborn me became the captive of the campaign就这样被你征服 切断了所有退路 I was conqued by you just as this ,cut off all retreat 我的心情是坚固 我的决定是糊涂My mood is solid ,my decision is confused 就这样被你征服 喝下你藏好的毒 I was conqued by you just as this ,cut off all retreat 我的剧情已落幕 我的爱恨已入土 My story is over ,my love and hate was already in the dust 终于我明白俩人要的是一个结束Finally I know two people should get an end 所有的辩解都让对方以为是企图 All the excuse would let the other side thought an attempt 放一把火烧掉你送我的礼物Put a fire to burned the gift you gave me 却浇不熄我胸口灼热的愤怒 But can not douse the burning anger in my chest 就这样被你征服 切断了所有退路 I was conqued by you just as this ,cut off all retreat 我的心情是坚固 我的决定是糊涂My mood was solid ,my decision was confused 就这样被你征服 喝下你藏好的毒I was conqued by you just as this , and drank the hide poison you gave我的剧情已落幕 我的爱恨已入土My story was over my love and hate already be in the dust 你如果经过我的坟墓 If you pass my grave 你可以双手合十为我祝福 You can bless me with your hands folded 。

