
1. 如何写farewell letter 给你一个范例:
I am sorry to tell all of you today is my last working day in ***. I am gratitude of the support from all of you and hope you can have a more brightfuture. 通知大家
I wish you all good health, success and fortune for the future, Please takecare, I will miss you. 祝福
For the ***(the old and new project), please forward to mycolleague **, the ***(internal order and other orders) you can turn to **for help, thank you for your understanding. 工作事情上的交代
My very best regards, and a big thanks to you all again. 再次祝福
Best regards,
2. farewell letter怎么写 Sadly, the day has come for me to bid you farewell. I am today leaving my position at Savills after a few months.
It has been very difficult decision, but it is just the right time for me to move on.
Savills has been a very outstanding organization,
and I am very appreciate having had the opportunity to grow and develop here.
Here, I would like to thank Ms. Cindy Tong, for being a great leader. She always help me to solve troubles with the kindness and patience.
Thank you for the support. Special thanks to Mr. Saisho kei, for give me so many advice, thank you very much.
So many thanks to Mr. Hosoda Yuji, Mr. Mickey Wu, Ms. Tracy Zhang, Ms. Echo Zhou. Because you all, I had very happy time here.
I sincerely wish you all enjoy working here and have a lot of fun!
3. 如何写英文告别信 farewell letter Dear all friends,
Today is my last day in ****, I would like to take this moment to give all my sincere thanks to you all. Nowadays, I could not help to recall the first couple of days of join in FE-CN and compare the wins and losses that once, I found all your irreproachable conduct, insight and everything you do is the only reason that made me mature. I have enjoyed my stay and appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you.Therefore, even though with regret I bid farewell, I wouldn't let the indebted heart fade away. Thank you for all the kindness, support, and enlightening ideas you have provided me with over the past year, and even though I will miss my colleagues and the company, I am looking forward to this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my career. Please keep in touch; I can be reached at my personal email address***** I wait always from you a “Hi”? Is it too weird to think that maybe fate brought us back together again? I don't think so. Thanks again for everything. Kind regard
今天是我在**的最后一天,我想把这一刻,把我所有的真诚感谢你们 。如今,我不禁回忆起参加工人最初几天比较得与失,有一次,我发现你所有的无可指责的行为,了解你所做的一切都是我的唯一原因,成熟 。我很享受我的逗留,很感谢有机会和你一起工作,所以,即使后悔我道别,我不会让感恩的心消失 。感谢你在过去一年给我提供的所有的亲切、支持和启发,即使我会想念我的同事和公司,我期待着这个新的挑战,并开始了我的职业生涯的一个新阶段 。请保持联系;我可以达成我的个人电子邮件地址*****我等你总是“嗨”?是觉得也许命运又让我们相遇太奇怪吗?我不这样认为 。再次感谢你所做的一切 。
4. Farewell 我自己写的,看看怎么样now it's the time.i must go away.but no matter where i go and where you are ,i think i will be always with you, cause you are always in my mind.farewell, take care.翻译是:离别的时间到了,我要走了 。
但不论我将去向何处,你在何放,我始终会在你的身边,因为你一直就在我心里 。后会有期了,保重 。
5. 各国语言的“再见”怎么写 英语:Goodbye(菇的白) 日语:さようなら(撒哟拉拉) 法语:Au revoir(哦好组啊) 意大利语:ciao(找) 丹麦语:adj??(aei dio) 瑞典语:f??ravel(佛喽问) 后面的是找的: 法语:Au revoir 德语:Auf Wiedersehen 日语:さよなら 西班牙语:Recepcionista Adiós 意大利语:Muy bien 俄语:Досвидания/dO svidanja/ 英语:Farewell 芬兰语:n??kemiin /n} ke mi:n/ 冰岛语:bless /blEs:/ 阿尔巴尼亚语:mirupafshim /mir uh pa fshim/ 巴斯克语:agur /a gu4/ 捷克语:na shledanou (nas KHLEdanow) /nas xlEdano/ 丹麦语:farvel /fah-vel/ 荷兰语:tot ziens /toth-zeens/ 爱沙尼亚语:head aega 菲律宾语:paalam (pa A lam) 夏威夷语:A hui hou. /A hu i ho u/ 印第语:pirmelenge 匈牙利语:viszontlátasra /'wesontlaatashra/ 印度尼西亚语: selamat tinggal / 。