
1. “在周末”用英语怎么表示 at weekends (=<;美>on weekends)在周末
1. I often go to visit my aunt at weekends.
我常在周末去看望我姑母 。
2. He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself.
他喜欢在周末看滑稽剧来放松自己 。
3. I will be at liberty only at weekends.
我只有在周末才有空 。
4. Discipline is often relaxed at weekends.
5. He likes to go climbing at weekends.
6. We love to get out into the countryside at weekends.
7. I often fish/go fishing at weekends.
8. They like to go ballooning at weekends.
9. He has to work at weekends. 他须在星期六和星期日工作.
on the weekend ad. 周末
1. You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend.
周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物 。
2. We had a good time on the weekend party.
我们在周末聚会上玩得很快乐 。
【在周末英文怎么写】3. The club got all the members together on the weekend.
俱乐部使全体成员在周末举行了一次联允 。
2. 周末的英语怎么写 周末的英语:weekend读音:英 [?wi?k'end]美 ['wi?kend] n. 周末vi. 过周末adj. 周末的词汇搭配:1、spend a weekend 度周末2、at the weekend 〈英〉在周末(假期里)3、on weekends 在每个周末4、Weekend Getaway 周末旅行相关例句:1、How was your weekend?你周末过得怎么样?2、What are your plans for the weekend?你周末计划做什么?3、I weekend with the Whites at their home.我在怀特家里与他们一家人共度周末 。
4、There are more and more weekend couples in the cities.城市里的周末夫妻越来越多 。扩展资料:词语用法weekend指星期六、星期日两整天,有时也可包括从星期五下班以后一直到星期一上班之前的这段时间 。
星期一至星期日的英语如下:星期一:Monday(Mon.)星期二:Tuesday(Tue.)星期三:Wednesday(Wed.)星期四:Thursday(Thu.)星期五:Friday(Fri.)星期六:Saturday(Sat.)星期日:Sunday(Sun.) 。
3. “在周末”用英语怎么表示 at weekends (=on weekends)在周末
1. I often go to visit my aunt at weekends.
我常在周末去看望我姑母 。
2. He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself.
他喜欢在周末看滑稽剧来放松自己 。
3. I will be at liberty only at weekends.
我只有在周末才有空 。
4. Discipline is often relaxed at weekends.
5. He likes to go climbing at weekends.
6. We love to get out into the countryside at weekends.
7. I often fish/go fishing at weekends.
8. They like to go ballooning at weekends.
9. He has to work at weekends. 他须在星期六和星期日工作.
on the weekend ad. 周末
1. You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend.
周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物 。
2. We had a good time on the weekend party.
我们在周末聚会上玩得很快乐 。
3. The club got all the members together on the weekend.
俱乐部使全体成员在周末举行了一次联允 。
4. 周末快乐英文怎么写 “周末快乐”的英文:Happy weekend 例句:Happy weekend, let us gather together to attend English game! 周末快乐,让我们一起去参加英语游戏吧! 词汇解析: 一、happy 英 [?h?p?] 美 [?h?pi] adj. 高兴的;使人高兴的;情愿的;放心的 短语: most happy 十分高兴 perfectly happy 非常高兴 so happy 如此高兴 二、weekend 英 [?wi?k??nd] 美 [?wik??nd] n. 周末 v. 度周末 adj. 周末的 短语: last weekend 上周末 at the weekend 在周末 over the weekend 在周末;整个周末 扩展资料 词语用法: happy的基本意思是“幸福的”“快乐的”,指人在各种状态(如事事顺利)下的愉快、快乐或满足的心理状态 。