
1. 在门后面英文 在门后面 behind the door 例句: 藏在门后面,咱们吓她一下 。
Let's hide ourselves behind the door and startle her. 与此同时,他的父母正悄悄躲在门后面观察着他,他们露出了满意的笑容 。Meanwhile, his parents are observing him secretly from behind the door, their emails revealing content. 有一只恐龙在门后面 。
There's a dinosaur behind the door. 希望能帮助到你,望采纳!! 。
2. 门'的英文单词怎么写 门
(房屋、车船等的出入口 ) entrance; exit; door; gate:
便门 side door
前(后)门 front (back) entrance (door)
炉门 stove door
安全门 emergency exit
校门 school gate
(形状或作用像门的东西) switch; valve:
闸门{机} throttle valve
水门 sluice; water gate
电门 switch
(门径; 关键) way ; method; access:
窍门 key; knack
摸着点门儿了 have learned the ropes; know one's way
around; get an inkling
(家; 家族) family; house:
满门 the whole family
喜临门 。Blessing has descended upon the house.
(宗教、学术思想上的派别) school (of thought); (religious) sect;
branch of study:
佛门 Buddhism
孔门弟子 Confucian disciples
左道旁门 heretical sect; heterodox school
(事物的分类) category; class; branch of study:
专门 speciality
门门精通 know every subject or profession
分门别类 divide into different categories
{生} (具有最基本最显著的共同特征的生物的归类) phylum:
原生动物门 Protozoa
脊椎动物门 Vertebrata
{计} gate:
“与”门 AND gate
“非”门 NOT gate
(姓氏) a surname:
门文爱 Men Wen'ai
一门大炮 a piece of artillery; a cannon; a gun
两门迫击炮 two mortars
这一门大炮 this marriage (proposal)
这门学问 this branch of study
学两门手艺 learn two skills (crafts)

