善英文怎么写( 二 )

3. “善良”的英文是什么 “善良”的英文有: ①goodness; 【读音】英 [?ɡ?dn?s]美 [?ɡ?dn?s] 【词类】名词 【释义】 1.[英]the quality of being good, in particular. [译]好 。
2.[英]virtue; moral excellence. [译]德行;美德 。3.[英]a belief in the basic goodness of mankind. [译]一种认为人性本善的信念 。
4.[英]kindness; generosity [译]仁慈;慷慨 5.[英]expressing surprise, anger, etc. [译]天哪,啊呀(用作“上帝”的替代语,表示吃惊或愤怒等) 【相关词组】 1.[英]goodness of fit Statistics the extent to which observed data matches the values expected by theory. [译](观测到的数据和理论值的)适合度,吻合度 。2.[英]have the goodness to do something used in exaggeratedly polite requests. [译]请(做);有(做…)的好意(用来过于礼貌地表达请求) 。
3.[英] have the goodness to look at me when I'm speaking to you! [译]我在和你说话时能否请你看着我的眼睛! 【例句】 [英]We cannot equate material possession with goodness. [译]我们不能将物质的拥有与善良相提并论 。②kindness; 【读音】英[?k??n(d)n?s]美 [?ka?n(d)n?s] 【词类】名词 【释义】 1.[英]the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. [译]好心;慷慨大方;体贴 。
2.[英][count noun]a kind act. [译]善行,善举 。【词组】 1.[英]do sb. a kindness [译]帮某人的忙; 为某人做好事 2.[英]kill with kindness [译]以溺爱害人; 用过分的殷勤使人不知所措 3.[英]out of kindness [译]出于仁慈,出于好意 4.[英]kindness of [译]敬托 【例句】 [英]Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life. [译]诚实、勤劳和善良是幸福生活的要素 。
③good and honest; 【读音】英[ɡ?d ?nd ??n?st]美 [ɡ?d ?nd ?ɑn?st] 【词类】名词 【译文】 [英]goodness [译]善良 【词组】 1.[英]Good And Honest People [译]善类 2.[英]Good and honest reasons [译]出于善良及诚实理由的 3.[英]good and honest trustees [译]善良代理人 【例句】 [英]The people in that house were very poor, but they were good and honest. [译]住在这所房子里的人很穷,但是为人善良诚实 。

