
1. 42用英语怎么写 42用英语:forty-two
1、Lesson Forty-two 第四十二课
2、Forty-Two Articles 四十二条
3、forty-two students 个学生
1、At least one player from every major league team will wear the number forty-two.
每一个球队至少有一名球员将会穿着42号球衣 。
2、England has forty - two religions and only two sauces.
英国有四十二种宗教 , 却只有两种调味酱 。
3、Samuel Han is forty-two years old.
塞缪尔汉是四十二岁了 。
1、1至10无规律可循: one、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten;
2、11至19 :eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen;
3、从20至99:整数的几十中除了twenty(二十)、thirty(三十)、forty(四十)、fifty(五十)、eighty(八十)为特殊形式外 , sixty(六十)、seventy(七十)、ninety(九十)都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成 。
4、百位数个数基数词形式加“hundred” , 表示几百 , 在几十几与百位间加上and.
2. 英语1到63个单词怎么写 1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 twenty-one
22 twenty- two
23 twenty- three
24 twenty- four
25 twenty- five
26 twenty- six
27 twenty- seven
28 twenty- eight
29 twenty- nine
30 thirty
31 thirty- one
32 thirty- two
33 thirty- three
34 thirty- four
35 thirty- five
36 thirty- six
37 thirty- seven
38 thirty- eight
39 thirty- nine
40 forty
41 forty- one
42 forty- two
43 forty- three
44 forty- four
45 forty- five
46 forty- six
47 forty- seven
48 forty- eight
49 forty- nine
50 fifty
51 fifty- one
52 fifty- two
53 fifty- three
54 fifty- four
55 fifty- five
56 fifty- six
57 fifty- seven
58 fifty- eight
59 fifty- nine
60 sixty
61 sixty- one
62 sixty- two
63 sixty- three
3. 6:00用英语怎么写 6:00的英文翻译是6 o'clock 。
6 o'clock
1. We're open till 6 o'clock.
我们营业到6点钟 。
2. I'm usually home by 6 o'clock.
我一般6点钟回到家 。
3. The train is departing from the railway station at 6 o'clock.
4. Let's make it definite -- we'll meet at 6 o'clock.
咱们 说 死了 , 6点钟见面.
5. The boy was kept in until 6 o'clock.
这小孩被留校 , 一直到六点.
6. We had to get up early to make the 6 o'clock train for Florence.