1. 怎么做蛋挞的英语作文 Egg Tart
Ingredients 110 grams of cream
辅料牛奶75克 鸡蛋黄2个 细砂糖30克 低筋面粉8克
Accessories milk 75 grams of egg yolk 30 grams of sugar 2 grams of low gluten flour 8 grams
Egg Tart approach
1 ready materials
2.在一个干净的容器里放入淡奶油和牛奶 , 搅拌均匀
2 in a clean container with light cream and milk, stir well
3.再加入细砂糖 , 搅拌至融合
3 then add the sugar and stir to blend.
【蛋挞英语怎么写】4.在另外一个干净的容器里放入蛋黄 , 并筛入低筋面粉 , 搅拌均匀
4 in another clean container, add egg yolk, and sift into the low gluten flour, stirring evenly.
5.将混合好的奶液倒入蛋黄糊中 , 搅拌均匀
5 mix well the milk into the egg yolk paste, stirring evenly
6.将搅拌好的蛋挞液倒入挞皮中 , 七分满即可
6 Egg Tart good mixing liquid into the tart, you can at least seven points
7.烤箱200度预热10分钟 , 再将蛋挞放入预热好的烤箱中 , 中层 , 200度 , 上下火 , 约20分钟
7 preheat oven to 200 degrees 10 minutes, and then Egg Tart into the preheated oven, 200 degrees, middle, upper and lower fire, about 20 minutes
8.烤至挞皮呈金黄色 , 蛋挞中有焦黄色点即可
8 tart baked until golden brown skin, with focal points can be Egg Tart in yellow
烹饪技巧1、蛋挞液倒入挞皮时 , 七分满即可 , 不要倒满了 , 否则挞水太多的话烤时会溢出;
Cooking Tips 1, egg liquid into the pastry dough when, you can at least seven points, do not fill it up, baked or tart too much water will overflow.
2、如果想要其他风味 , 可以在挞水里加上煮熟的紫薯小丁 , 或者蜜豆、水果丁什么的 。
2, if you want other flavor, can be cooked in water with tart purple potato cubes, or beans, fruit Ding what.
2. 如何做蛋挞英语短文 How to Make Custard
By an eHow Contributor
1Heat the milk for 2 or 3 minutes in the microwave. Whisk the eggs until smooth and add them to the milk.2Add the sugar, salt and vanilla. Stir that into the milk and egg mixture until dissolved.
3Run the whole mixture through a strainer and stir again. This will give you a smooth, sweet, pudding-like treat.
4Pour the custard into small custard dishes, a casserole dish or a pie shell. Sprinkle the top with ground cinnamon or nutmeg, if desired.
5Bake your custard at 325 F. It's done when a knife or tooth pick inserted into the center comes out clean. Bake custard dishes for 30 minutes. You'll need about 60 minutes for a casserole dish or pie shell. Cool before serving.
6Vary the flavor of your custard by scooping caramel sauce, sliced berries or syrups on top. If you供棱垛谷艹咐讹栓番兢r family enjoys pies, place the custard mix into a pre-baked pie crust for a quick treat.
3. 蛋塔的英语怎么读,怎么作蛋塔 egg tart
我实践过非常成功的 , 做法如下:
1 要去超市买蛋塔皮和做蛋塔的模具 。蛋塔皮应该买做派的皮 , 酥且脆 , 在国外因为自己动手做点心的人很多 , 所以到处有卖 , 但是在国内如果不确定可以问问超市的售货员
2 蛋塔心最容易做 , 但是由于国内的牛奶没有那么纯 , 所以难以保证效果一样 , 我用牛奶加鸡蛋加糖就拌好了 。500ml的牛奶加1到2个鸡蛋 , 如果个人喜欢鸡蛋味浓可以多加1-2个鸡蛋 , 然后加糖搅拌均匀 。
3 在蛋塔模具上摸上一层薄黄油或牛油(防止蛋塔粘在模具上) , 把蛋塔皮用大口的杯子压出圆圆的样子 , 放如模具 , 再把蛋塔心放进去 , 不要放太满 , 差5毫米左右满比较好(因为烤了会膨胀) , 如果个人喜欢葡萄或是椰丝 , 可以在铺好的蛋塔心上面撒一点 。