
1. “沐浴露”这个词用英文怎么说,要地道的英文表达 沐浴露 1、释义 shower gel ; body wash ; bath cream 2、短语 芒果沐浴露 Mango Bath & Shower Gel ; mango shower gel ; mangue gel douche ; mango body wash 沐浴露创意广告 CUSSONS 西番莲沐浴露 passion fruit shower gel ; Passion Fruit Bath & shower Gel 婴儿洗发沐浴露 Shampoo & Wash 清爽沐浴露 Bocage Shower Gel ; EnergizingShowerGel 振兴沐浴露 gel douche revigorant ; invigorating body wash 香氛身体沐浴露 Shower Gel 能量沐浴露 BIOGLO SPA 惠润沐浴露 Super Mild 3、双语例句 洗个鸳鸯浴,用沐浴露或肥皂给对方的身体来个“大清洁” 。
【洗头的英语怎么写】 Bathe with a partner, using a soft body wash or soap to clean each others' bodies. 男人讨厌女人身上有食物的味道,甚至连日常用的柑橘味儿沐浴露或洗发水都讨厌 。Men's aversion to food smells extends to that citrusy body wash or shampoo you use every day. 这就是为什么好多公司特别设计些有助于皮肤组织的滋润型浴皂和沐浴露,比如经常困扰我们中好多人的粉刺和皮肤干燥等问题 。
There's why alot of companies design special moisturizing soap or shower gel to help with skinissues, such as body acne or dry skin issues that bothering most of us here. 拓展资料“沐浴露”用英文这样说shower gel,接下来整理了相关的单词 。1、薄荷味沐浴露 mint scented shower gel 2、洗发露 shampoo 3、护发素 conditioner 4、泡沫洗面奶 foaming cleanser 5、润肤露 body lotion 6、洗澡海绵 loofah /bathing sponge 接下来学习下相关的地道口语句子 1、I have to clean my face 我得去洗洗脸 2、I have to comb my hair 我得梳头发去 3、Did you brush your teeth? 你刷牙了吗? 4、Yeah, what kind of clothes should I wear ? 是的,我穿什么样的衣服好咧 (女生最爱的口头禅哦) 5、Hurry up or we're going to be late . 你快点儿,我们要迟到了 6、Your breath stinks 你的口气真难闻 。

